JM: How many meals did you get per day? Brandon: They served 3 meals a day but usually I wouldn't
eat but I wouldn't three times a day. Lydia: There were three meals served per day
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Brandon: On a scale from 1 to 10 I would say a 3 and the
reason that I have given it a 3 is because nearly
everything was processed foods. And I truly am
a person that that like to put naturals things
inside of there body such as fruits and
vegetables. Lydia: Sometimes the food would be unbearable to
even look at so therefore if its there either you
eat it or you don't. Myself I would typically stack
up on ramen noodles I mean they truly can go a
long way whether you get sick of them or not
other than that it would just be snacks
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Brandon: The spicy chicken on Thursday's was my most
favorite if I had to say and my least favorite
would have been the beans and rice that they
would serve. Lydia: No I did not have any specifics regarding any
one particular meal mostly in part due to the
reason that I eat mostly vegetable and a little
protein here and there
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Brandon: No more expensive than what you would
purchase on the street. All though there were
many snacks such as different flavors of chips
chocolates gum freeze dried foods but usually I
would either received some items from other
inmates that I knew. Lydia: Yeah one of the truly sensible things to
appreciate would be the snacks there were a
variety of things offered such as the noodles that
I previously mention and one of my favorites
were the butter crunch cookies absolutely