JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Wade: Nothing really you go out in the pod there's tables and chairs
and a pull up bar and dip bar people would work out play cards
or sit around and chat or chess or dominos most people play a
card game call whisk witch is a partners game and really fun Casey: They had a small broken television in the public
area, payphones to talk on, board games like
checkers, playing cards, and books. You could
walk to a different part of the institution for
religious services that lasted about an hour, go
to the library, or go outside to play volleyball
during rec hours.
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Wade: There was no real entertainment there was a lil library with
may b 50 books in it you can get mags or news papers sent in
but most people couldn't afford it the block papers had waiting
list sometimes it would take a week just to read a paper or
mag Casey: Competition was fierce. The access was regular
when you were out of lockdown. Once the doors
unlocked, everyone would bolt to the TV. Whoever
sat in front of it first was the channel selector.
It was chaotic and unpleasant to watch. TV is
not worth fighting for unless your are
incarcerated. In which case, you don't have
anything else to lose.
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Wade: Yes even know I worked out 5 days a week I still got fat cause
the food so bad for you and your in your cell 20 hr a day Casey: Yes, the food they feed you is full of carbs and
sugars. There is nothing nutritious about the
meals, so you are always tired and lazy. I
remember feeling like livestock, being herded
around the facility by our sheppard COs.
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Wade: We would go out 45 mins a day the yard is real small and had
a b ball Court a hand ball court and pull up and dip bars Casey: Once per day we were allowed outside to play
volleyball, walk in a small circle, or lay out in
the sun. It was a very small courtyard, maybe
20x30 ft. The volleyball was always deflated from
getting caught on the razor wire.
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Wade: Yes they offered a few different services I never really went to
them in know they were held In a class room Casey: I know they had Christian services, but I'm not
sure about Muslim worship. They had them on
Saturdays and Sundays for sure. The rest I'm not
certain about.