JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Wade: When your pre sentence you live on the jail unit of the prison
this is either the tier building the dorm and now c pod I was in
the dorm witch is a big room with like 50 or so bunk beds its
good not being in a cell all day but it lacks privacy Casey: Held in "intake" for 3-5 days, until Tuberculosis
shot proves you are healthy enough for population.
While in "intake" only allowed out of the cell
for 3 hours per day. After you are cleared, you
are given a cell with 2-3 roommates. On lock down
to clean up for meals, at night to sleep, and
whenever codes are called on the males, which is
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Wade: I was driving down the road with a friend we were leaving
target when vice cops pulled us over I've had run in with vice
before so they automatically searched are car they found a
quarter pound of weed in the back seat so they arrested me
and charged me with possesion of class d w int Casey: My mother turned me in by calling the police,
making them aware of my arrival home. I was
brought to the station and interrogated. Leading
up to the station, they would not even hint to why
I was being questioned. At the station, I was
read my rights after being told why I was there.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Wade: Court sucks its a long and slow process there's motions and
trails and other stuff it usually takes over a year to resolve a
case my case was from 2010 but I didn't even end up in jail for
it till 2013 so it can drag out a long time Casey: Court was stressful and humiliating. The only
good thing about that was how everyone else there
felt the same as you, so there was a kind of
unspoken bond. Unless of coarse they were your
co-defendant. In which case, you are so
overwhelmed with stress that all other feeling is
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Wade: Possesion of class d with int Casey: Unlawful Possession of Weapons in the 2nd and 3rd