JM: How many different blocks were there? Clinton: They have it arranged with three floors, and
each floor is separated into 4 blocks. Brooke: I think 8 or so..I am not entirely sure.
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Clinton: They are identified as posts and they are
numbered, so Post 1, and then the letters
identify the dorms in each post. Brooke: Pod a b c d e f g h i
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Clinton: Posts 1 and 4 were general population, but they
did't have low security at all. Post 6 was max
security. Post 5 was the females. Posts 3 and
9 were minimum security. Brooke: sentenced: people who already knew how much time
they were serving.
Unsentenced: People who were awaiting a trial but
had been in the jail over 24
Crazys: People who were there for terrible crimes
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Clinton: I guess the nicest would have been minimum
security. They are smaller so there are less
people to deal with. Also, you are allowed in
the dayroom almost all day. As opposed to Posts
1 and 4 where they have hourly cell checks. The
worst part of the jail were the dorms in
Post 4 that had bathroom stalls out in the
dayroom. If you needed to use the restroom
while locked down you were at the mercy of the
officers to let you out if they felt like it.
Some guys would save their juice boxes so they
had something to pee in if they had to. Brooke: pod a: they calmer older women. No tv
Pod b-d crazy black women always wanting to fight
and talk shit to eachother. I also remember them
bringing in kids to scare. Nothing in the place
was taken seriously. Guards acted like they were
God and inmates didn't even care that they were
there. They lose reality