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Interview with Clinton and Brooke

JM: Did you have regular access to telephones?
Clinton: Yes, they have a payphone there. But the way it's set up you have to have an account that someone on the outside sets up. You could call regular collect when I first got there but I think now you have to have that account set up on the outside.
Brooke: Yes. You could use the phone when you wanted for a very large fee.

JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls?
Clinton: I don't remember what the cost was.
Brooke: 15 dollars for 5 mins. Most people had at least 1 call per week. But some had as many as 3 a day.

JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out?
Clinton: They had cards you could buy off commissary.
Brooke: Yes I believe you could purchase mins on commissary

JM: Did the jail screen your calls?
Clinton: Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
Brooke: Yes. They are always recorded and reviewed.

Read about how inmates pass the time in the Ingham County Jail

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