JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Joe: jump suit Walter: At the jail we received a uniform. At the
workhouse, I was able to wear all my own
clothes. Shirt, pants, shoes, underwear and socks Wendy: They make you wear the creepy, old stuff at Lino
Lakes which is so gross. Ella: You are not allowed to have any personal clothing
items to wear in the jail. Everything is provided
by the jail. Annie: None the give you pants shirts underwear bra socks
and shoes
your clothes are held for you until your release
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Joe: yes, jump suit Walter: At the jail we had a uniform. We were issued a
white t-shirt, a blue jump suit, a pair of
boxers, a pair of socks and 1 set of plastic
orange sandals Wendy: The scrubs were typical jail scrubs, pants, sack
like top, with belly-button high old, silky
underwear, old, stained tube socks, and plastic,
slip on sandals. Ella: There were shirts and matching pants. Most of the
time they were light gray but occasionally there
would be different color. I think certain odd
sizes came in other colors. T-shirts to be worn
under jail uniform were white as well as all
undergarments. Orange slip on sandals were given
as foot wear. Tennis shoes were offered at gym time. Annie: Navy cotton pants and top with a white t shirt
sports bra and
brief underwear. White tube socks and blue penny
loafer keds
shoes. You must wear all articles when you are
outta your cell.
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Joe: no, everyone is the same Walter: nothing that I can think of. We could change out
clothing and sheets I believe it was daily. Wendy: The nicer, less stained underwear and socks were
desired by everyone. Ella: Not that I was aware of but of course anything new
and not worn out were most desired. Annie: New underwear, most are old and stained up it is
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Joe: no women at anoka Walter: Men and women were kept in different areas at the
jail so I am not sure. Wendy: They had different colors, but the same stuff. I
would assume the underwear were different, too. Ella: Just maybe the color and size of uniform but the
style was the same. Underwear styles were sex
based I'm assuming. Annie: I think so except undergarments