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Interview with Joe, Walter, Wendy, Ella and Annie

JM: How long was your sentencing for?
Joe: 60 days.
Walter: I initally spent 1 week in the actual jail and the sentence was 1 month which was served out at the work house.
Wendy: I was granted a stay of judication, and sentenced to 45 days in jail and 5 years of probation.
Ella: I was sentenced to fifty four months.
Annie: A year and a day

JM: Did you spend time in a holding cell after your sentencing? If so, what was that like? If you didn't where did they they take you instead?
Joe: yes. awful. crowded, either really cold or hot. usually took forever to get booked back in. can't get questions answered or a phone call.
Walter: No, not after sentencing. I was given a check in date for the workhouse and needed to show up by that date or they would come and find me. I was placed in a holding cell when I was intially stopped.
Wendy: Yes, the same holding area that you are held in when arrested. . .In my skirt and sandals, and jewelry and makeup and the whole "ready for court" shebang, which was a little scary with the people that were being arrested and brought in to join me.
Ella: Was not put in a holding cell because I was already incarcerated through most of the court process. I went back into general population until a holding county came to transport me.
Annie: Yes I think that I finally arrived back to my cell after dinner time and I had morning court. It was cold and smelly and all they give you to eat is a bag breakfast and bologna sandwich for lunch.

Read about getting along with inmates in the Anoka County Jail

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