JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Joe: didn't need any Walter: I do not require medication but I know it was
avaliable for those that required it. Wendy: Yes, any medications were given to you whenever
needed. Ella: Medical needs were always provided through the
proper procedures. Annie: Med call four times a day
JM: How did you get your medications? Joe: n/a Walter: I do not require medications so I did not have to
worry about this. I know that it was avaliable
for those that required medication. Wendy: They were kept with the nurse on site, but I
took mine when I left in the mornings for work,
so I kept them in my locker. Ella: Administered by a jail officer 3 times a day or by
yourself if the medication was one that could be
allowed to keep on person. Annie: Guards would disperse them four times a day
breakfast much
4pm and bedtime. You can get over the counter meds
at that time
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Joe: the hole Walter: I believe you got more time added on. I didn't
see anyone get in trouble for drug use. At the
workhouse, I witnessed a gentlemen come back from
work drunk and he got sent back to jail. Wendy: You lost your workhouse privileges, and were
transported back to Lino Lakes. I saw a girl
freaking out, screaming, and throwing herself
around on the floor because they were sending
her back for using Meth while in there. Idiot.
You're in jail. For drug posession. You brought
and used drugs in jail. Hello! Ella: I believe some sort of segregation time and
possibly new charges depending on the
circumstances. I did not witness any one punished
for this during my stay. Annie: Segregation and extra time added onto the
sentence, yes i seen
this happen. A girl came in with drugs and she was
out in seg
and got a new charge.