JM: How many different blocks were there? Frank: There was four blocks or pods downstairs and a dorm upstairs. Adam: 8 different what they call pods
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Frank: The names of the pods were A, B, C and D. Adam: lower pod 1 lower pod 2 lower pod 3 (sex offender
pod) 4 &5 then girls dorm 1 and 3 guy dorms
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Frank: There was a variety of different inmates. People could be in for child
support non-payment, drug use, possession and distribution,
murderers, pedophiles, rapists, drunk drivers, burglars, and people
who committed assault. Adam: lower pod 5 id the girl holding pod.lower pod 1
&2 are for more violent men.lower pod 3 is sexual
offender.4&5 is men holding.upstairs dorms for
men is for long stay non threatning males and the
females all share a dorm
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Frank: Some of the blocks, I would witness inmates having to give up their
food to avoid fights so watching others be treated that way made
me feel bad for them. The blocks would echo and that would drive
me crazy. The nicest parts of being in jail was the spiritual
connection I made with my higher power. Adam: holding cells were absolutely horribly
disqusistin the mens upstairs dorm was really
nice the upstairs female dorm wasn't bad.the
worst thing about Jefferson county jail is that
staph infections go untreated and medical care is
not an option.they treat you very
disrespectfully.some of them even turn your call
box off.