JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Frank: It seemed like the process was long and drawnout. It was
ridiculously overcrowded. The facilities were dirty, unsafe for some
people, smelled bad and was kept pretty cool possibly to keep the
inmates docile. The facility was understaffed. There was no
recreation offered. The staff though was fairly cordial and not rude. Adam: I was in family drug court on a sanction.Ive also
been held 4 different times on domestic
related.we would go into court on Thursdays and
they always made the people who were sanctioned
for the week go first because they knew they were
going to be sent to serve jailtime
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Frank: No. I was arrested in St. Louis after work. I was getting a ride home
from a co-worker and he was pulled over for not using his turn
signal. There had been a warrant out on me and I was arrested and
Jefferson county came up a couple days later and transported you to
their facility. Adam: no I went before the judgeI was in family drug
court on a sanction.Ive also been held 4
different times on domestic related.we would go
into court on Thursdays and they always made the
people who were sanctioned for the week go first
because they knew they were going to be sent to
serve jailtime
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Frank: Again the conditions of court was long and drawnout. I was put in
the old original jail with 6 people in a 2 person cell. It was an all day
process. I was allowed to talk but ultimately everything depended
upon what the public defender and prosecuting attorney worked
out. Adam: very intimidating,they judge was very
condescending of us all.he even told me that
everyone in his court house knew my last name and
that my case was more like a running joke.I was
sanctioned for three weeks for an unauthorized
visit with my children.i felt he was very unfair
and unjust
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Frank: I was convicted of chronic DWI. Adam: I never received a charge I tested positive in a
urinalysis and had my children removed