JM: How many meals did you get per day? Frank: I was given three meals per day. Adam: 3 meals but lunch and dinners called sacks of shit
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Frank: I would rate the food as lacking substance and possibly nutrition.
The meals themselves were skimpy and sometimes I could identify
what type of meat we had. We would call it mystery meat. It
appeared to be some kind of a patty but we were never sure of
exactly what we were eating sometimes. Adam: poor breakfast is ok but lunch and dinner they
call sacks of shit which is 2 bologna sandwiches
a sack of potato chips and pack of snack
crackers, na na na na na na na na na na n an a na
na na na na na na n a
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Frank: I usually found breakfast to be more favorable because it was
usually either sausage, eggs, cereal or pancakes and coffee. Adam: yes the sacks of shit its all the same.nanan na
na na na na na na na na nan na
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Frank: The snacks that were offered outside of our meals were refried
beans, tortilla shells, peanut butter in squeeze packages,
honeybuns and chips. The prices were fairly reasonable. I would say
the food wasn't too expensive. Adam: no snacks provided.but commissary you can order
except each time you go to jeffco jail you pay 25
dollars each time and it must be pai+d before you
can receive commissary. so if you order anytime
you've also saw the nurse to get Tylenol or etc
that nurse visit costs you 30 dollars and must
also be paid proior to getting
commissayr.commissary is also considerably high
in price