JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Sarah: sweats Sam: Two orange jumpsuits. You have to buy shoes and
socks. Corey: thats it just underwear socks
bottons on anyclothing..
omly colors.
maybe a pair of shoes but not sure if they still
allow that Emma: I was not able to wear the clothes I was brought
to jail in. We were only allowed to wear BRAND
NEW never opened packages of underwear, socks,
and WHITE T-shirts. You could buy sweat pants off
of commissary, I chose to wear my jail uniform
jumpsuit tucked in as if they were just pants,
with a white tee. Jeff: under ware socks white t shirts grey sweat pants
and grey sweat shirts. and any sneakers. none of
the clothing can have logos. they all have to be
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Sarah: maroon for the females. scrubs. Sam: That was it. Corey: When i was was a jumpsuit style tight..thing
Short sleeves.not very comfortable.
they have other sizes, but mostly thoes were
already out ,,so we had to make do with what we
were givin Emma: We were issued a forest green jump suit, or if
the inmates were lucky, a two piece forest green
uniform. They are typical jail outfits, but the
two piece consisted of a oversized forest green t-
shirt, much resembling scrubs that nurses and
doctors wear, with the additional forest green
bottoms, that also resembled scrubs. Jeff: see this one of those questions that cant be
answered in 25 words. they give you a 1 piece
orange jump suit or a 2 piece brown top and
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Sarah: no Sam: You could order clothes from the commissary.
Every six months your family was allowed to bring
you 6 pairs of socks, 6 pairs of underwear, 6 T-
shirts, sweats or thermals. Corey: XXl andxl. that seemed to be the most popular
Emma: White Hanes T-shirts, white socks, and white
underwear. When laundry came around, we had to
make sure our T-shirts especially, were OBVIOUSLY
marked as to whose they were. Jeff: a larger than usual jumper suit. the sizes are
off an if you wear a medium it will be so tight
so u want a large. and so on
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Sarah: only the color Sam: I think there were in red or brown. Corey: yes the women wear red..and then men wear
green...minors wear orange Emma: As far as the assigned uniforms, they were the
same. Either two piece forest green uniforms that
resembled scrubs, or the one piece forest green
jump suit. Jeff: was women wore pink guys wore orange or brown