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Interview with Sarah, Sam, Corey, Emma and Jeff

JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications?
Sarah: yes
Sam: You had to request to be put on sick call if you needed anything.
Corey:'s loud in that jail...people always yelling and what head meds would have been nice. as for mental heath meds..those that got them ..where able to get them on time.
Emma: This is a big plus with the facility I spent time in. They gave us ALL of our medication needed every day.
Jeff: yes if you needed aspirin you could get it

JM: How did you get your medications?
Sarah: from a nurse
Sam: A nurse would do rounds at differnt times during the day.
Corey: i never got them..they where brought to me when i used to take a nurse.. other then that i would try to ask a cop for somthing and then they would have to call a nurse to bring it "advil"..but that would take forever..
Emma: The nurses came every morning, afternoon, and night to call the names of those who are required to take their meds at that time. If they were sleeping, they were woken up to take their medication.
Jeff: when a nurse came around to give out others there meds you just politely ask if you can get some aspirin. now if you have a more serious medical problem. you fill out a med form and give it to the staff

JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this?
Sarah: more charges for smuggling
Sam: I think they would add to your time if they caught you with anything.
Corey: not sure..i never saw this happen. im sure you would loose yer good time for that. besides the nurses do a oral mouth check to make sure the inmates arnt hoarding there meds.
Emma: I never witnessed anyone abuse drugs while in jail, but I would imagine the punishment consisted of extra time added to their sentence and solitary confinement, running concurrent with drug tests.
Jeff: I have no idea. drugs were very rare in this jail. i have only smelled weed through the vent system

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