JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Sarah: yes Sam: I got off, 2/3 out of the year. I did 8 months on
that and 3 monhts on the other. Corey: yes i did. but the "Goodtime doesnt matter
because you have already done so much of yer
time...thats why some guys prefre to max
out""....that way they dont have to deal with
parole . Emma: I was able to get off early based on good
behavior. Jeff: the jail takes off one third of your time if you
behave yourself and don't give staff any
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Sarah: one month Sam: 1/3 of your time. Corey: i think its 2 months for ever 12 months yer in. Emma: From what I understand, at the Monroe County
Jail, one must serve two-thirds of their
sentence. This is equal to the amount of Good
time in this facility. Jeff: one third of your original time
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Sarah: negatuve and things against the rules Sam: Gambling, getting caught with contraband and
stuff like that. Corey: Stay away from the drugs, and fallow the rules,
but if you got a dirty cop working,,it doesnt
matter..if an inmate is only supposed to get a
tier 2 ticket, that cop will turn it into a tier
3 and thats lose yer good time. i had to
beg for the sargent to not take my good time.
becasue of a bad cop.. Emma: The things to do to receive good behavior are
pretty simple. Do not fight with other inmates-
verbally AND physically. Respect ALL the guards
and do not talk bad about them with other inmates
or guards, as they will find out. Do not steal
from other inmates, or the guards. Be quiet when
guards indicate quiet time. And basically stay
under the radar, be good and good things come as
a result! Jeff: well you need to avoid fighting. disrespecting
staff or not obeying a direct order. and yes I
have seen guys lose a week here and there for
acting out. and I have only ever seen one fight.
and they guy lost a week and was able to get it