JM: How often could you receive visitors? Sarah: twice a week for an hour Sam: Twice a week. Corey: once a week.. never enough time to talk..30 mins
vistors had to schedule a week in advance ..and
early Emma: I was allowed to receive visitors twice a week.
However, I made an arrangement with my mother to
see her once a week. There were a few times I was
able to see her twice a week. Jeff: 2 visitors at a time. twice a week for only one
hour at a time
JM: Was the check-in process lengthy for those who came to see you? Sarah: yes Sam: 3 or 4 hours. Corey: no...visitors put there personals in a
locker,,go through a metal detector and a pat
down by the cops and they are in.
might be some restictions on clothong allowed by
the visitor. Emma: The first time was length for her, since she had
no idea where to go, who to see, what to sign,
what to bring and what not bring, etc. After
that, the process became easier, and more
familiar so it was nothing more then signing in,
stating who she is visiting, and being searched
for contraband. Then she sat in a seat designated
by the sheriff, and I came in when I was called. Jeff: it all depended on which day they came to see me
or at which time the came. now they are told to
be there 20mins early just in case
JM: What was the visiting environment like? Sarah: tense Sam: They had an open area island whic was like a four
foot hight wall that had a bench on either side
so you could hug you visitor. Corey: not very comfortable for the inmate. chairs are
hard on the back.
but it was a clean place for the visitors.
of course it has to be right.
no vending drinks. not for either
party. nothing for the visitors children to do.
not allowed to get up and stretch.
also not very private when it comes to others
hearing yer conversation. Emma: The visiting environment was extremely open.
There was a small wall of plexiglass, about 10-12
inches high. The inmates and visitors were NOT
allowed to touch, only to greet and say good bye.
There was only arms length on either side of you,
that separated you and the other inmates. There
was no privacy at all. Hand had to be in sight at
all times, never in pockets or under the desk. Jeff: it sucked you sit on these hard small metal
chairs. you can only hug and give a kiss in the
beginning and the end. other wise it sucks. you
are sitting right next to other inmates families
and if there loud it really hinders your time
with your loved ones