JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Sarah: yes Sam: Yeah I did. They had 10 phones about which maybe
3 or 4 work ever working at a time. Corey: no ,,not enough phones for all the inmates in
the jail, cops dont enforce the phone
policy "time allotted for each inmate"",,,so one
guy can take the phone all day,,,,and if you
have 10 guys doing that..then where do the rest
get to go to use a phone. Emma: We had pay phones in our facility, and we were
only able to use them on our SHORT leisure time. Jeff: yes but they are collect calls only
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Sarah: toll free Sam: I don't remember because I mostly used calling
Corey: 120$ but im not on the phone that much i can
make 120$ last 3 months.. Emma: I only spoke on the phone with my mother. The
charges were $1.75+ a minute, and we were only
allowed 10 minutes on the phone. I did this
everyday, at 10 minutes, and my mother spent well
over $500.00 just to speak with me on the phone.
I would say, if a person were to use the allowed
time, everyday for just a period of a week, they
have to average at least, $120. Jeff: the charges are all collect and has a limit of
15 mins per call. and each 15min call was about
5 dollars. average per week 10 to 100 dollars
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Sarah: no Sam: Yes, they had cards you could buy for $25 for 3
phone calls. Corey: not when i was there we didnt,..might have
change since then though Emma: We did not need to buy phone cards, and I
honestly wish I had to. The bill, went to the
person we spoke with, and they were required to
take care of the cost. Jeff: no all the calls are collect
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Sarah: probaboy Sam: Right. They did. Corey: they screen eveyones calls,,some more then
others if your a high profile case Emma: The jail did in fact screen our calls. While I
was serving time, one of the girls was speaking
to a friend on hers on the phone, talking about
something illegal and the jail ended up sending
her upstate to prison as a result of screening
the calls. Jeff: yes all calls are recorded and they tell you
before every call