Interview with Brian, Marty, Linda, Charlie, Mary and Myron
JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Brian: No. I need my medication for anxiety, Zantac
and the jail would not give it to me. I was not
able to get access to another medication. I need
medication for sleeplessness, anxiety and
depression. I did not get it until I saw the Jail
Psychiatrist before it was brought for the night
time medication when the nurse came. Marty: Not unless the jail knew what you were on and you
or a doctor could prove it... Linda: no Charlie: yes Mary: yes I always had access to the meds Myron: Med lines came twice a day, emergency
medical staff barely available if you were
in Bad enough shape!
JM: How did you get your medications? Brian: It was given to us by the Nurse off the Medication
Cart in the Morning and at night time. Marty: I did not receive my meds, but for those who did,
a nurse came onto the POD Linda: in the morning threw nurse Charlie: thru the nice nurse Mary: the nurse would come to the pod and
give you your meds we had to wait in
line and they would give them to u Myron: Line up by a pantry next to the
correctional officer's desk is & food trays
are dispersed. Nurse checks I'd bracelets,
& mouths to ensure meds are taken.
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Brian: You would be taken to the "hole" if you were
caught with drugs or involved with drugs. You were
locked up in your cell until you were taken to the
"hole" etc which was the 7th or 8th floor. Marty: 48 hour lock-in Linda: the hole Charlie: did not incure any Mary: they would strip search I and then they
would put you in the gold. I witnessed
the masing someone for having drugs Myron: Various lengths of time being locmed-in
one's cell. The hole treatment is all they
could do. Then just crush the inmates
pills to ensure they don't take them
incorrectly or remove the Med totally if
the abuse is habitual.