Interview with Brian, Cheeky, Marty, Linda, Mary, Myron and Charlie
JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Brian: There was a Pre-sentencing Investigation
done by a Pre-Sentence Officer from the Courts
downtown. He came to my house and talked to my
Father etc. He had asked questions with my Dad
on me and what was going on with me in my
life as far as work and what happened as
far as the incident concerning my
ex-girlfriend. Cheeky: It took a day in a half just to be processed no
water or food went to 8 different holding cells Marty: You wait in a holding cell when you first get to
jail and they ask you the basics, (like name, and
medical history) Linda: You have to wait in small cell with several
women for hours and hours Mary: I got arrested,went to holding cell,then
got pic taken along with finger prints.i
then was sent over to holding cell for
arraignment court. They took info
about bond. I seen arraignment jdge.
Got held for court and sat until my
hearing which I got 1 year 9 month
and 10 days. Myron: After 24 hours crammed into one of 3
bull pens with about 40 guys in each-
overcrowded to say the least! Just shy of
a 6 month wait in deplorable conditions
just to go to a recovery program to get
the help I know I needed. Either be
bored with nonmalignant wreck in
general pop minimum security or work in
the kitchen 7 days a week for no pay and
grueling work conditions I am grateful I
healed from.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Brian: No, they did not stop by my house. I had
spoken to the police when I was charged etc
in Brentwood, PA and when they had filed a police
report etc. Marty: No police came to my house the day I was arrested
(6/15/10) Linda: no Charlie: traffic violation Mary: I had a bench warrant. I was in south
carolina and mysister told me that the
police was looking forr me so I waited
till after the holidays and came back to
allegheny county. I called the police to
pick me up. They picked me up and
took me to jail. Myron: I was on the ru from 2 warrants, and
after a relapse on alcohol was found
passed out on a sidewalk a block and
half away from where I was living at the
time. Cops wanted to give me arise
home! I was in a black out state medical attention and
bounced between one police station then
jail being barely coherent the entire time.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Brian: I had to go to a Non-Jury Trial in front ????
of Judge Jeffery Manning. My Attorney was there
along with the people from the Court prosecutors
etc and my Ex-Girlfriend and her family who were
there who was in another room, until it was time
to go in the actual court room. I had to sit next
to the court reporter at the Stand while the
evidence was presented to the Judge and while
tapes were played of messages that I left on my
ex-girlfriend's cell phone. There was a court
reporter there that was typing while I was saying
what I said to my Attorney and the District
Attorney. Marty: Video arraignment. What that means is that you
in a room in front of a TV with a camera on the
and a microphone in front of you. Then the video
judge either gives you a monetary bond or you MAY
be released on a non-monetary bond (you pay
nothing and are out within a matter of hours) Linda: Saw judge on tv screen Charlie: vidio hearing's are a great thing, saving time,
resources, and tax payer money Mary: I was scared cause I was already on
probation. I had 2 years probation.i
went in front of violating judge and he
started my sentence all over again. I
was scared but afyer spending this
time in jail I said to myself that I would
never put myself in that position Myron: A very confusing process as my public
defender didn't help much. I felt
intimidated because the process was
new to me and waiting the full limit to go
to trial for cases I was ready to plea to.
My lawyer didn't do much besides play
by the book while I stood there frozen.
Just wanting this nightmare to be over &
my life to move on!
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Mary: burglary access device fraud theft and
prostitution Myron: Simple assault, harassment, public drunk
in one case- simple assault stuck rest
dropped. Other case a one count forgery
several theft by taking, several access
device fraud- forgery and half plus one
of the other 2 charges dropped.