JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Robert: I kept to myself but slept in an area because I worked in the
kitchen, where inmates they cans at me at nite because Ibhad
sleep apnea and my snoring kept them awake. Amanda: I did not have any trouble with any of the
inmates. I stayed to myself and followed the
guards directions. Along of the younger girls
came to me for advice and also for comfort if
there was a situation at home that was effecting
them in negative way.
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Robert: I kept to myself, got involved with an older group and played
cards but spent a lot of time in the kitchen prepping and
serving meals so I avoided any major conflicts. The work
release area I was in did not really see any major fighting or
outbreaks of violence. Amanda: I really didn't get into any problems. It seemed
that a lot of the girls argued over belongings,
commissary or phone time. I stayed to myself and
had all my own hygiene supplies- so there was
never any question about those things. In
addition- if there was any disruption on the
block- I locked in my cell to avoid it every time.
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Robert: Before going to work release I spent one week in a cell with
two other men who I did not pick. In work release there were 6
of us in a cubby who worked the kitchen. Amanda: No- I never chose an inmate to be my cellie. It
seemed that about every three weeks a girl would
be sent to my cell who needed some behavioral
modification,.. I never was threatened by the
constant change though.s