JM: How many different blocks were there? Robert: In work release there were 3 sections with 5 blocks each. Amanda: There was only one female cell block with
minimum, medium and maximum security units.
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Robert: They did not have names that I was aware of. Amanda: It was called O block with three security housing
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Robert: In the main prison there was a section for the hard core such
as murderers and rapists awaiting trial. On the main blocks
there were DUI robbery battery etc. where I was housed was
all work release and DUI, parole violations, and sex offenders Amanda: Inmates that were considered high risk or had
dangerous crimes were always housed on max.
Medium unit consisted of your pretty typified
inmate- sometimes combative and not compliant.
Min block was for those that were able to be
housed without a lot of supervision for the
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Robert: The main prison had TVA in each cell as a concession to
overcrowding. It was horrible having to use the toilet since you
had to hang a makeshift curtain. Where I ended up was fine
because it was open and there was a yard to walk around
every other day. Amanda: I was only on min block. There we had a lot more
privileges including more programs, more
recreation, more day room time and better
facilities. Maximum block inmates never came out
of their cells unless escorted in cuffs and were
only allowed to shower three days a week. Also
they did not have additional earned privileges.