Interview with April, Julie, Brenda, Cesar and Eddie
JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? April: You could play games, you could play cards,
you could walk in the yard. You could go to
church as well as na and aa. They had
different type of groups to help better you
for when you go back into society. You could
also read and wrote letters to stay busy Julie: cards, a tv in the day room, books that we brought
in. lots of sharing of books. a few games that
inmates were given permission to bring. some
excercised in the aisles, smoke yard. nothing
provided by the facility itself, except vending
machines=lots of junk food! lots of coffee and
soda. no bottled water until an inmate asked
vendor to put it in. Brenda: I had a TV. I also went to church a lot. There
was always a church group coming in to spread the
word of God. There was a small court yard for
basketball if weather permitted. Other than that
I would spend time in my cell where I had semi
control of what was going on. Cesar: GED , Kitchen jobs , violence prevention ,
counseling , church , TV , basketball ,
handball , cards , dominoes , work out settings ,
commissary , write letters , drawings , law
computer , thers a lot but in one day you can do
it all its so slow in there time is so sloth . Eddie: Board and card games. A pull up bar. Basketball
court and handball. Television. Some arts and
craft materials are available on the commissary
list also. You can leave the block to go to church
special groups and NA and AA meetings also. Also
visits from family and friends were available on
assigned days.
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. April: There was regular access because they had a
TV on the units plus you could also purchase
TVs for your cell. You could also have a
radio as well. Aside from that you were able
to have your family send in newspapers and
magazines to keep you entertained while being
in there. Julie: It was pretty well worked out among inmates, if
there was an issue, majority ruled. I remember 1
time, inmates went to the front and were told what
was a given, majority rules or no tv. I think 1 time
in the 14 months I was there the tv was off.-but not
about the tv. Brenda: If a church group was there, they would only take
15 ladies. So the object was to make sure you
were 1st on the list so this would guarantee you
to go. But then the officers would choice who
was allowed to go by how the inmate acted on the
pod. Cesar: no theres always time to do what you like done
you just have to be patience . theres always
inmates doing certain things all day long at
different times some be even sleeping to pass by
time its all i movement of whos doing this at
this time or whos doing something else at another
time ... Eddie: For the most part people shared. Sometimes it as
hard to get into a basketball game or a handball
game if a lot of people wanted to play. The card,
board games, and television were always easy
accessible. A lot of time people just sit around
and talk with one another during leisure time.
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? April: Yes because you do nor have much room to move
around and get physical activity, plus the
yard is so small. They feed you a lot of
carbs to stay full so its easy to gain weight Julie: I would have except I walked out almost a mile
everyday for work to the bus. and back most night. Brenda: YES, I gained over 30lbs because the food was all
starch. There was no physical activity for you
to burn the weight off. Cesar: a little for i just came out of surgery and i
wasn't yet fully healed so i was always just
taking walks which helped a little . Eddie: No I worked out frequently doing a lot of pull ups
and push ups I also jogged on the basketball court.
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? April: Every time you were allowed out of your cell
every 3 hours, you were allowed outside.
There wasn't really anything to do but walk
in a circle. Julie: the smoke yard was open from 5 45 am i think until
10 pm. That was all there was out there. no bench no
table but you could sit in the sun, read, listen to
headphones Brenda: I hardly ever went outside because that's where
all the fights happened. For me, I would exercise
in my cell. Sit ups or yoga. But this was rare
because I had a TV so I would just watch TV all
day. Cesar: Lehigh County Prison don't have an out side ...
its has i rec yard which is in the building ...
you could only walk in squares and play
basketball or handball Eddie: We never went outside. Basketball and handball
were available. Also jogging was allowed on the
basketball court. There is a pull up bar on each
block too.
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? April: Yes they offered church services almost
daily, different type of religions. They were
personally to me boring, they were held in
classrooms downstairs from the female unit. Julie: bible study once a week I think, I was not there
those nights, I worked alot and was allowed to
continue my custody visits. Brenda: They offered church everyday because these groups
would come in. I would go because I was
interested in what they were saying. But the
majority of the ladies would go because they
would see their friend from the other pod. They
could bring them stuff. Pass notes, etc. Cesar: church service was always a good thing . we sang
prayed and spoke to one another about all that we
can to become better people in the eyes of
society Eddie: Yes church service were available about 3 days a
week at different times they were always very
pleasant with a very understand pastor. Services
were available in English and Spanish.