JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Scott: You could only wear what the jail provide for
you which was two uniforms a pair of socks
and a pair of boxers Elna: They didn't let us keep on any of our own
clothes. We were given orange boxers, orange
socks, orange crocs, and a button up inmate
jumpsuit. Todd: socks Guy: underwear, socks, t-shirts, but now you have to buy
all of it there. You could bring underwear,socks,t-
shirts (2) but not anymore they stoped that to make
more money.
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Scott: It was two peices classification was maroon
medium was orange minimum was brown
maximum was stripes kitchen workers was
green and hall workers wore green the women
wore red Elna: The jumpsuit was far to large, it was black and
white striped (although I believe they have
changed the uniform since then)and buttoned up
from the crotch to the neck, so when using the
restroom you basically had to completely disrobe
and they kept it freezing inside, then I was
given an extra large orange pair of boxers (I am
a 30" waste, they kept falling down), also a
loose fitting orange pair of socks and a pair of
orange crocs. Todd: non workers were full jumpsuits black and white
striped,hall workers wore shirt and pants in a teal
color,,kitchen workers wore orange shirt and
pants,,fed inmates wore tan shirt and pants Guy: black and white jumpsuit.It looked like beattlejuice
outfit and was either really baggy or fit so tit you
couldn't move. was hard to get on and off
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Scott: Every body wanted to be in the kitchen which
was blue or hallworker which was green Elna: The inmates were given no choice in clothing
that was assigned, additional clothes such as
thermals could be purchased from commissary. Todd: socks Guy: ones that would fit. find good shoes. your feet will
probably crack anyway.
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Scott: Yes the women wore red uniforms Elna: Yes, the women were made to wear red jumpsuits
instead of black and white striped ones. Other
than that I believe the uniforms were the same. Todd: no Guy: yes. they had 2 piece outfits where the men had a