JM: What types of facilities were available to help pass the time? Scott: They had church usually twice a week and they
had a courtyard with a dip and pull up bar. They
also had the law li rary once a week and they
had library books that came by once a week.
They had drug program and a religous program
that was three months long.. the also had ged
classes Elna: There were absolutely none. Some of the inmates
had cards, and there was a tv that was never on,
but there were no sports, just a giant room to
walk around in for an hour a day. The boredom
was excrutiating in that place it was more or
less torture. Todd: no just read books and played a lot
of cards and chess and such Guy: church, cards, a few games, some POD UNITS had TVs
we didn't get a lot of time out of our cells so
there really wasn't much to do. we mostly played
cards when we could get out of our cells. we also
just walked around the pod unit like animals too
JM: Did you have regular access to the entertainment or was competition fierce? Give details. Scott: No there wasnt much entertainment besides
the tv and everybody had to take a vote on
what channel the officer put it on. Books were
kinda.of hard to get to because nobody wanted
to give them up. There was only one chess and
checkerboard and it was always a line to play
the winner Elna: Again there was no entertainment that I was
aware of, I don't believe the inmates were given
a choice of what to watch on the tv if it ever
did come on. But the tv wasn't on at any point
during my short stay there. The card games
however seemed pretty exclusive. Todd: regular access Guy: nothing regular. guard controlled this and it was
what he wanted to watch mainly.a lot of the time we
didn't get to watch tv because it was broke or the
guard didn't want to hear it. at the kcj site we
didn't even have a tv unless you were in a honor pod
so i mostly read books
JM: Did you have a hard time staying in shape while in jail? Scott: No they had pullup and dip bar and while i was
locked down i done pushups and they had a
dece.t commisary Elna: I was only there over night, but I didn't see
any workout equipment or anything resembling a
gym or sporting event. Todd: nope..i'm fat anyway so it didn't matter Guy: no...stayed in the best shape of my life. Push-ups
nad set-ups. was the best thing i ever did. when i
went in i couldn't even do a push-up when i got out
i was doing 1500 push-ups a day
JM: How often did you get to go outside? What did you do outside if you were allowed to? If you were not allowed to go outside what could you do for exercise? Scott: We only got outside on our hour out. We could
walk and do pull ups and dips three building
had volleyball. When i was in the cell it was
pushups Elna: In the original intake cell we were supposed to
get out for one hour a day but I missed the hour
that day that I was there and It was only to
walk around. There was no television in that
block. Todd: usually every other day,,just walk or sit in the sun
or play basketball Guy: about ever other day. we could walk around the
inside the POD unit. if it was raining we didn't get
to go out. we had to split the small outside yard
with another pod unit
JM: Did the jail offer church services? If so, what were they like and when were they held? Scott: Yes they had church services they
accomadated for all religions and lasted for a
hour each building had church at least once a
week Elna: I remember hearing an inmate talk about going to
church on a sunday morning but I wasn't there
for any of the services. Todd: yes..held on thursday and sunday..don't know what
they were like i don't go to church Guy: yes.Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday, and a couple
times also. some where just used for social time
inmates but there where good ones that went on
I really liked a few of them they would help me
through the day if things were going rough.some of
the men that came in really worked at what they