JM: How many meals did you get per day? Scott: You was fed three meals a day Elna: we recieved 3 meals per day. Todd: three Guy: 3 break,cold lunch, hot supper
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Scott: On a scale of one to ten i would give it a four. It
was always cold when you got it. Lunch
consisted of a bologna sandwich and snack
everyday and for breakfast it was either
pancakes or waffles with no meat on the tray.
The portions was very small Elna: The food was almost always cold. We were fed
bologna sandwiches with no cheese and a packet
of mayonaise. We were also given a small milk
carton similar to the ones served in elementary
schools and an apple or orange. Dinner was
served around 4 o'clock so by the time you went
to bed you were almost guaranteed to be starving. Todd: enough to live on..the food is always bland because
they add no flavorings Guy: 4.5 just because everybody doesn't like
everything. but you can survive on what they feed
you.They try to feed you from all the major food
groups but the biggest problem is that most the
inmates and guards just don't know how to cook.
maybe they should send them to cooking school ans
let them earn credits to learn to cook.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Scott: Supper trays were your best tray. The best one
was the chicken fingers and the hamburger
tray. Thats the ones you got full on Elna: I liked breakfast because it was prepackaged
cereal and two milks. It was the most normal
food I had there. Todd: all about the same Guy: not really. peanut butter bread, hamburgers,
cheeseburger, eggs,ham, toast, fries, fruit, xtra
juice,cheese sandwich, greenbeans, all kinds of
veggies, ice cream, cake
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Scott: The only snacks was what you bought off
commisary. They had a pretty decent
commisary but it was very expensive. It was
thirty dollars for a five dollar radio and your
family was charged for putting money on your
account Elna: They gave us commissary lists of food- mostly
snack food and soda. A lot of the inmates ate
ramen noodles at night since dinner was served
so early and I believe coffee was also listed as
an option. Todd: no snacks ..but could buy..expensive on some things
others not bad Guy: you would get a little pack of crackers or moon pie
with lunch somtimes. You could buy $75 worth of
commissary but that didn't buy you very much. it
would give you just a little xtra to snack on.