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Interview with Scott, Elna, Todd and Guy

JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process:
Scott: First i was arraigned in sessions court and then the case was bound to felony court where i entered a blind plea with the judge after that it went to division three criminal court where i enterd a guilty plea then i was given another date in the same court for a sentencing hearing
Elna: The police officer picked me up outside my residence for public intoxication. He drove me downtown in handcuffs and I was placed in a paddy wagon. I waited in the paddy wagon until 3 other men were placed in there with me, one of whom was screaming constantly and most likely on some sort of drug. This waiting period was around 2-3 hours. At this point we were driven out to the jail. Once there, we were escorted individually out of the paddy wagon and made to place our hands on a wall and spread our legs while the correctional officers did searches of our pockets and of our persons to see if we had any illegal or harmful material. After this we were taken in through a magnetic sliding metal door and walked back to small rooms like shower stalls, where we were made to disrobe and put on inmate jumpsuits. The suits buttoned all the way up from the crotch to the neck. We were also given crocs for shoes. Then we were placed in a giant glass holding cell. Eventually we were walked back through what felt like a half mile of hallways and multiple magnetic metal doors until we were placed in general population. There was one bed in the cell and there was already someone in there so I put my mat on the floor and slept there. It was freezing cold and the lights never turned off. At around 3am the next morning my name was called and I was escorted back down all the hallways, chained to another inmate by ankle cuffs, and we got on a bus to be taken to the courthouse.
Todd: the pre sentencing process was a time in which i didn't know of what to expect
Guy: I was held for 19mos because I wouldn't take the plea they offered. Didn't have money to bond out so I was stuck. Charge partner even told them I didn't have anything to do with it but was still held.they wanted me to go to prison so i just stayed locked up

JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested.
Scott: I was already on four years paper for felony simple possesion and was at a halfway house. While at the halfway house i failed a drug test for marijuana and was asked to leave.So i absconded on my probation and while i was on the run i was behind the local mission and was cauvht again for felony simple possesion
Elna: I was arrested for being drunk and locked out of my residence. A neighbor must've called to report me for stumbling around outside. There was no one else home to corroborate my living there and I was extremely intoxicated. When the police arrived I admitted to being drunk and went without a problem.
Todd: witness in another case detective came and questioned me then after he said i had a warrant
Guy: riding in car with friend and he went inside and robbed the store. They charged me with robery too. We were stopped at the store before we left the parking lot. we were getting high but that wasn't enough to get 12yrs on my first charge but that is what happened

JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall.
Scott: Started out in general sessions court for them to refer me to felony because i was n violation of my probation in criminal court. I was offered six years to serve at 35 percent by the da thats when i took the blind plea. It all went pretty quickly and efficiently when it made to criminal court we was all crammed in small cell at five in the morning until nine then we was called out one at a time it was standing room only in the cell for several hours
Elna: After the trip over on the jail bus, we were escorted into the courthouse through the basement parking garage by several officers. At that point we were led up an elevator and put in a narrow barred room where an officer called each persons name to make sure we were present. Then we were all put into one giant concrete room and made to wait the remaining several hours until court started. In this room people were screaming, hitting walls, etc. it was horrible. Then, one by one, a guard would call each persons name to be led to the proper courtroom. Each person's name but mine was called. When I asked the guard why my name hadn't been called he asked for my name and escorted me into felony court. When I inquired why I was in felony court he discovered he had confused me with another inmate with my same last name and took me to the correct court. During court I was appointed a lawyer because I hadn't had time to call one of my own. I was told I needed to make a cash bond of $100 which I made and then I could be released.
Todd: the court was slow and tedious
Guy: HELL. They wake u up at 2am so they can take you 15miles. I think its just so you will be so tired you can't think good and do anything to get out of there. They treat you like animals not people made you set on cold floor until court time

JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of?
Scott: Felony simple possesion....violation of prob with a new charge of felony simple possezion
Elna: Public intoxication was my original charge, and I plead guilty.
Todd: selling stolen goods
Guy: agg. Robbery.....facitation of robbery 2cts

Read about sentencing in the Knox County Jail