JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Sarah: For me, no. I will say it was a challenge
because I don't speak spanish, and I was the
only white person I saw the whole time I was
incarcerated. Luckily I'm kind of funny, I have
a good sense of humor so that is probably the
only reason I did alright. Drew: I did not find It hard at all but it is a kinda hard to really not get
along unless your just an crash dummy but I just chilled so I
ain't have no problems I was the only black person in a eight
ban cell with Mexican gang bangers Paul: I found that some inmates can be more difficult
to get along with than others. Most inmates mind
there own business, everyone wants to do there
time and go home but there is allways going to be
those people that have very long sentsnces or
life sentances and dont care. I found that as
long as i kept my mouth shut and minded my own
business things went fairly well. I had a few
altercations but with so many men in one place
there are bound to be some problems.
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Sarah: A lot of it is keeping to yourself, and minding
your own business. Staying in your own area and
not bothering anyone. Drew: Just avoid negative attention and upon entering you need find
your way don't fuck with no one till you figure out who is who
which these Mexicans let you know right away who in charge
of what who you can talk to what the tv schedule is who has
cleaning duty none Paul: I know that i avoided alot of problems just by
staying in my cell. Sometimes fights or riots
would happen in the day room but because i stayed
in my cell i was not involved. In jail people
tend to feed on the week,as long as u fight
things go pretty smooth, even if you lose the
whole point was that you got out there and fought.
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Sarah: They have big cell blocks. They have 2 rooms of
25, and there are a few smaller rooms. You don't
pick where you go. If you have violent crimes
or are gang affiliated they have to separate you
a little bit. You have no choice who you are
with in the block rooms. Drew: Wher you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you
knew often would your cellmates Change come on
we do not chose cellmates that's really a rediculess question Paul: You are not able to choose your cellmate and they
tend to put two different races together in one
cell and that at times can be a problem. In the
two years i was incarcerated i probably had three
different cellmates. The first was of African
American nationality and was not happy to have me
as a cellmate and we ended up fighting.