JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Sarah: I was there 16 days before I went to the
restroom and they didn't do anything about it.
I sent a request to see the nurse everyday, and
after 16 days they responded. Drew: Yes or at first but it came regularly Paul: I didnt allways have acces to medication mostly
because of the new rule they set while i was in
jail which was that now they are charging $100
for a year so since i was going home befor the
year i didnt want to pay $100 just for tylenol.
Most guys use it to there advantage though
because once you pay for that year, which they
take the money from your commissary account, they
would get medication they didnt need just to sell
it to people that dont want to spend the $100 to
go to the nurse.
JM: How did you get your medications? Sarah: A nurse usually bring meds around to the block.
They have an officer with them and hand it to
you through the bars. Drew: The nurcse comes to the dorm hands it to me and I put it in my
mouth ant that's it Paul: If i needed anything i bought it from someone
that already went to the nurse or i bought it on
commissary where they sell cold and cough medicine
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Sarah: We had a problem with people bringing pills with
them when they came in, and they got housed in
segregation. Drew: Don't know don't care how would I know I ain't no police ass
nigga I mind my own business that Paul: If you were caught using drugs or had a dirty
drug analysis, you could get solitary time
automatic six months medium custody. Loss of
contact visits, Loss of commissary, Loss of
recreation. Pretty much you will lose all of the
little privelages you get and it looks bad on
parole.I did witness at least ten guys that came
out dirty on a drug test at the trusty camp i was
at and they were all dropped a line class and
took good time. They were kicked off the trusty
camp and put in the main maximum security