JM: How many different blocks were there? Sarah: I became a trustee so I was able to go over to
the men's side. There is only one female cell
block. There are 7 male cell blocks, but they
hold a lot more. Women capacity is 200 per cell
block, and the men can fit 250 per cell block.
The men have 4 or 5 rooms of 10 and 2 of 25, and
then individual cells in each block (aka
segregation, the hole). Drew: I believe there was eight cell blocks Paul: Where i was at it was alphabetically, A block, B
block and so forth. where i was there were 12 or
13 blocks.
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Sarah: Alpha, Bravo, Delta, Echo, names like that. Drew: Alpha , bravo, Charlie, delta, echo ,foxtrot, golf, hotel , and
infirmary Paul: they were pronounced A block, B block, C block
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Sarah: With the males they house you according to your
crime and degree of crime. They put the rapists
and the child molesters and murderers in certain
places. Petty crimes, gang related, etc go in
different places. Female housing is determined
by degree of crime and gang affiliation. Echo
block is for the mentally challenged or heinous
crimes. Drew: Alpha ,was I believe the female side , bravo , Charlie,is kinda
like pre trial inmates range from murderes to rapist lot of
different gangs are segregated into eight man or 12 man tanks
delta was for the trustees and inmates waiting to catch chain
echo is lockdown Paul: A and B blocks were protective custody, C and D
blocks were agg segg. which is twenty four hour
lock down. E,F and G blocks were medium custody
which is only four hours a day out of your cell
and the rest of the blocks were GP which is
general population.
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Sarah: It depends on which officers are where. It
changes all the times. The blocks themselves
are pretty much the same. Drew: There was no nicest or more comfortable each wing has it own
rewards and bad parts like in the Charlie's you only have to
mess with seven other people but there no where to go small
area In delta there's twenty three other inmates but you have
your own cell sink an toilet Paul: The best part about the general populations were
being able to go in and out, they would do in and
outs every hour and the general population blocks
tend to be a little more calm. Alot less fights
and riots, I was never put into medium custody on
one of those blocks but i know they have to be in
there cells most of the day which is pretty much
like being in solitary. Because it tends to have
the worse people in those blocks there are
allways fights, Gas and pepper spray are
constantly being sprayed in those blocks which in
return go through the vents trhough the entire
unit causing everyone to cough and choke