JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Sarah: I had a warrant for a crime I had committed.
They did come to my home and executed a search
warrant. I was arrested at this time and taken
to the city jail, and after about 14 hours I was
taken to Hidalgo. Drew: The pre-sentencing process is as follows I got arrested on the
morning of October, third 2008 I went to the hidalgo county jail
were I was givin a bond of $ 50,000 I went to a bond reduction
hearing in November the day before thanksgiving I got out
went to court in January pled guilty Paul: i was held in hidalgo county jail for four
months, was woken up at around six a.m. to
prepare the hundreds of inmates for court. We
then piled into a county jail van and were taken
to the hidalgo county courthouse where i sat
almost all the day to be given a five year
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Sarah: Yes- see above. Drew: Well it really is not going to take fifty words to explain how I got
arrested my charge of robbery was pretty bad and it was a
store right down the street from my house so the store clerk
knew who I was the sheriff came to the house in the morning
and arrested me Paul: No, I was on probation from another charge i got
in 2008 and my probation was revoked for dirty
urine tests and another possesion charge. I was
picked up at the dollar movies for posession of
marijauna the day before i was supposed to turn
myself in
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Sarah: Since I had a felony case, it was processed
separately from misdemeanor. I waited 77 days
before my first appearance on the felony, but
most people wait 90 days on a felony. I had my
misdemeanor court before the felony court. This
was in a different court room with a different
judge. I went to court after 54 days on my
misdemeanor. Drew: Court to me was bullshit, just like , the , rest of the corrupt
people down here. I went to court we left at like six in tha
morning wait in tha holding cell till they call us for court than
we get shackled up and on to court that's all Paul: Court was horrible, over 100 men locked into two
tiny cells in the basement of the courthouse. so
many men that most had to stand or lay on the
floor. The court process can last all day
depending on if u sign or not. Once u have been
called to your court room u r put into shackles
and escorted to the court room where either your
attorny or court appointed attorny talk with u
and ask what it is your wanting to do and what
the D.A. is looking at offering u. After you are
escorted back downstairs where they give u one
meal and u sit there until every single person
has gone to court and signed there papers. Like i
said its an all day process that can last until
court house closes at five
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Sarah: Original: 2 counts misdemeanor theft, 3 counts
theft over $10,000 and theft of an elderly. I
am not currently convicted. I plead out to
deferred adjudicated probation. It just means
I've been arrested but not convicted as long as
I complete my probation. Drew: My original charge was robbery a nd it was downgraded to
simple robbery Paul: My original charge was in 2008 for posession with
intent to deliver a controlled substance. I
signed ten years probation and two months later
was charged with theft of a person. I was given
10 years shock probation, completed the shock
probation and after release was revoked from
probation for dirty urine tests and sentanced to
five years tdcj.