JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Burt: No, i fit in along with other inmates, more
because of my appearence with tattoos. and
similar cases and some people i knew from the
free world. Daniel: No, but there are some difficult people inside.
Mostly people tend to just socialize to pass the
time away and take your mind off of the outside world. David: No because I'm already in my 40s and I've been
around the block so I know how to control my
temper. A lot of the things that guys do in there
can get on your nerves if you're not mature.
Young guys tend to blow their fuse a lot more. Donald: I tended to keep to myself and did not interact much
with other inmates. So I had no issues with any
others. In fact most everyone got along while I was
in my assigned area.
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Burt: real shit, you just have to keep to yourself.
theres alot of shit talking in there,. if you
dont know anyone from the free world thats in
there then basically your on your own not
knowing what could happen. Daniel: The main thing is to give respect and try not to
be a "loud-mouth." But then there's a difference
between giving respect and being intimidated, the
intimidated ones get treated worse. Just not as
bad as what you see on tv, unless you watch the
programs on like msnbc. David: I won't sit at a table with a guy who might be
volatile. I have pretty good intuition so I can
read people and figure out who to avoid. Donald: Like I said I kept to myself. I mostly did that to
keep from having any problems or issues with other
inmates. There were no fights or problems in my
area for the time I spent there. Everyone was
pretty relaxed and was respectful and polite to each
other. Thanks
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Burt: Yes, i knew alot of inmates that were homeboys
back in the free world. Daniel: Do you mean a cellmate? If so, then no. The
administration office never interacted with
inmates, and there is no favor shown. David: You were assigned a bunk but you could put in
request for a different bunkmate if you wanted to. Donald: We did not have cell mates. We were in more of a
barrack type situation where there were like 25 sets
of bunk beds in our large room. Thank you.