JM: How many different blocks were there? Burt: in buliding 1 there were 2 sides. open doors,
and closed doors. closed door carried units
a,b,c,d and open carried e,f,g,h. builing 2
carried ag cases, building 3 were females.
building 4 was work release building 5 was
laundry people building 6, 7,8,9 were open
floor. where yu had more trust. 10 wasmore old
people building 11 was a female trustee building
12 is a new 1 that hold 2500+ppl itself Daniel: Last time I was in the county there were 12
buildings with like 35 blocks total. Eight
buildings of 2 blocks and 2 of 8 blocks, 1 of 2
blocks, and 1 of 1 block. David: Where I was they called them dorms. There were
around 15 dorms that housed 28 men a piece and
they were always full. There was another unit of
about 50 cells for lock down. Donald: There were like 10 different barracks.
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Burt: no, not that i knew of Daniel: Just building 1 through 8, HSB(not sure what it
stands for), and the 3 trusty buildings(also not
sure what they were called.) David: They were labled A, B, C and so on. Donald: I think they were numbered and no names. Thank you.
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Burt: honestly dont know but ag cases were in build 1
and mostly buildin 2 Daniel: Building 1 was for mostly high risk
offenders(aggravated), 2 was for straight up
lockdown, 3 was women only, HSB was the medical
building, 4 was kitchen duty, 5-8 was outside
portables(low-risk), and the trusty buildings were
for the rest of the workers. David: No, they pretty much mixed everybody up. This was
miniumum security so whoever got that kind of
sentence was in there. Donald: We were all kitchen trustees housed in our barrack.
I am not sure how the other inmates were divided
into groups. I have no clue or idea. Thanks a lot.
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Burt: out buildings 56789 had mor freedom and others
were caved in Daniel: The portables were nice cause there were no doors
or cells except the front door to the building.
Building 2 sucked cause you never came out except
for a shower. David: The nicest was that some of the inmates were
really friendly and offered their commisary.
The worst was that somebody always looking for a
fight. Donald: They were all the same as far as I knew. At least
they looked the same from the outside. But I did
not go into every single barrack, as they were all
separate buildings.I am almost sure that they were
all the same and not any different what soever.