JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Burt: just on unrack times Daniel: Yes, except for count times and shift change. David: Towards the end of my sentence yes but at the
beginning we didn't get any phones. The only way
you could make a call was if it was an emergency
and then you had to put in a special request. Donald: There was a telephone yes available.
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Burt: 50 cents a minute on calling cards an 10 $ for
20 minutes applied to house fone bills if
accepted thru account setup Daniel: I think it was like $5 a call for 20 minutes. Or
you could have whoever apply money towards their
phone account for that phone company(Evercom) and
it was like half-price. David: You could make a collect call. The other party
has to accept the charges for the call to go
through. Probably about 5 bucks. Donald: They were collect charges I believe. Or you had to
have a calling card bought from commissary.
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Burt: you can if no1 sets up an account Daniel: You could, but it was more expensive than the
normal $5 cause they could call people who
couldn't receive collect calls. David: Only towards the end of my sentence when I could
get on the phone. Donald: yes you had to buy phone cards.
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Burt: yes, and would disconnect your calls if 3way was
to b made Daniel: I believe so, not sure. David: Yes they do. They tell you that up front even put
in writing. Donald: I don't believe they screened calls.