Interview with Jenna, Cris, Mel, Bonnie, Ashley, Aaron, Walter, Shawn, Mimi, Saul, Heather, Ricky, Sterling, Doug and George
JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Jenna: Not really, I actually met some really good people in there (despite
where we were). There are always going to be bullies, so you have
some people who talk loud and bad. But I didn't encounter anyone I
couldn't handle, I think it different on the men's side though. Cris: NO Mel: No. I kept my mouth shut and my head down, and
didnt do anything unusual to attract attention
to myself and I was not bothered. Bonnie: More so with staff. Ashley: No. I'm an observant people person anyway, so
it's really just common sense. You will see
people who clearly have drug/or alcohol problems
effecting their behavior, and people who are
used to being there who already know
the 'ropes.' Don't take anything personally.
It's not about YOU. Remember, you're there for
a reason too, so you DO have something in common
will the other people. Just be human and
patient. Better to say nothing if not sure what
to say. When food comes, lots of opportunities
for interaction happen. You'll want to be alert
for what you're willing to give away-and to
whom. Like anywhere in life, being polite and
respectful and not too quick to judge other goes
a long way. Aaron: First of all, if you try to get along with inmates than you aare.
Asking for trouble. If you are put in the same space with
thhe same people for so long you will learn who is right and
who is not. Walter: Overall I got along with people decently. The only arguments
and issues were when people aren't ready to wake up in the
morning when others watch tv, the specific shows chosen and
small things like that. I tried not to make any enemies or be
there longer. Shawn: No, not really as I am a pretty easy going person
and I ended up working in the kitchen at the jail
as a trustee which made my time easier to do Mimi: No, I didn't. I found it best to just mind my own
business but its ok to have light conversation
with a few of the other girls. I never had any
altercations with anyone while I was there. Saul: I kept to my self as much as I could. No one seemed
to bother me. I did engage conversation with a few
select people who I felt I could trust. I had money
on my jail account so I was able to buy and trade
for safety. Heather: So king county jail is filled with primarily black
people and it can get kind of racial in there.
Alot of the times I was called white girl or
referred to as a tweaker just because i was white.
I found the other inmates to be intimidating at
times. there is a code of conduct one must abide
by in order to get by in jail or you wont be happy. Ricky: I got along with most everyone. You know the ones
to stay away from anyway - they get along with no
one. I had no problems with any cell mates. Sterling: Nah even when they put me on the 'violent' floor
you have to realize Seattle is not a violent city.
To keep quota they lock up a bunch of dudes like
me that arent really that violent. In ten years I
had issues but I wasnt hitting or slapping my
kid's mom. Most of the inmates were in there for
DV and 8 of 10 DVs involved no contact or 1 push
with a dude swearing on his mother that he was
pushed first or spat on. Doug: I did get along with the other inmates for the most
part cause I tryed to stay to myself. They only
inmates that I didnt get along with were the sex
offenders cause I cant stand them. George: When you get to jail, i learned that if you do
not want to get taken advantage of that you can
not smile, can not be friendly to anyone. you
can never let anyone get over on you, because it
sets a precident, where others think that they
can do the same.
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Jenna: Well I stood up for myself, and when felt the person wouldn't quit
yapping I would walk away with words (arguing is a waste of time).
The best thing I did was find a couple of really good ladies who
were into reading the bible, don't let that fool you they stood up
for me as well. Cris: SLEEP Mel: Kept aware of procedures, (when to line up, when
to be awake for headcount) to make sure my
actions didn't affect the entire tank. Bonnie: Sleep. Ashley: be aware of 'space.' It's crowded, so people
claim their territory. If you are there short-
time, there's no sense in challenging anyone for
something as silly as a seat in certain place.
Just let it go. Respect others' space and
property. Aaron: Attempt to keepp to yourself and try not to show weakness.
Do not loan or share or borrow anything from anyone ever
unless you either know them from the streets or know.
Exactly who your dealing with. Never gamble for your food
becaause they don't feed you at all and dinner is at 5. 5!!!
That's ridiculous. Your starving by 8pm and breakfast is at
7am. Walter: I had a few incidents where small arguments turned into big
heated face to face arguments. Mostly the people there for
long term trying to run the tv or tell people what to do. I stood
up for myself but never had any physical altercations. I wanted
out without further time added on. Shawn: I played cards and also watched alot of tv and
read a lot. I always try to avoid any type of
conflict with people especially in jail as if you
get into a fight with anyone you end up being sent
to the 11th floor and solitary which is no fun Mimi: Nothing, I was never put in that position, and
none of the other girls in my unit ever fought
while I was there. Honestly, I think the whole
fight and rape thing everyone always associates
with jail must just be about prison because its
not really like that. At least not in King County. Saul: For the most part I had a personality that did not
seem to set anyone off. As I mentioned in the last
question I used my Jail account to buy food from the
jail commissary and then trade, give or share those
items with others so as to avoid any problems with
others. Heather: You have to clean out the shower when you are
done. you cant leave any hair,pieces of soap
nothing like that in the shower or on the walls.
you do not spit anywhere in the tank. you flush
the toilet multiple times when going poop so it
doesnt stink. you respect other peoples space and
you dont touch anything that isnt yours,. Ricky: I gave everyone I met the respect that I expected
them to give me. Most incarcerated people are
average guys just trying to make it through. As
long as you are not disrespectful, and keep an
open mind considering where you are, most
everyone has some level that can be related to. Sterling: Im black im big they arent messing with me. The
most I had to do just be smart around the handful
of crazy people and not be stupid and steal from
people. Not much else I can say just blah blah to
meet the word count. Need four more words. Doug: I had a hard time with controlling my anger cause I
have a really bad anger problem. So to avoid
conflicts and fights I did a number of things. I
sleeped, read books, watched tv, called my
girlfriend on the phone, and drew pictures. As long
as they didnt talk to me I was happy. George: Like i said, i did not smile, nor was i friendly
to anyone. I was sexually harrassed by another
inmate, and when i brought this to the attention
of the correctional officers, they did not want
to address it, only when i threatened to blow the
whisle on them did they move me.
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Jenna: No you were put where you were told, if you told them you had
health issues or needed certain accommodations maybe. Cris: There are no choose in jail. you do what the
staff say or they make you life HELL Bonnie: No, I was not able to make any decisions for
myself, including contacting my attourney. Ashley: no Aaron: No. I never had the choice of who I. Was to bunk with in a
cell. Even. If I did have the choice I don't know. Who. I
would have chosen. Its. Almost better random bbecase then
you don't. Consider. Each. Other friends because" friends" in
jail. Are there just to. Take. Advantage of whatever you have
to. Offer. Walter: When I was in jail, it wasn't a 2 man cell setup. I was in a dorm
setup with about 15-20 others. Things were pretty smooth
except for a few arguments. I tried to keep my peace. Shawn: In downtown King countys trustee floor you are put
in rooms with other inmates who work the same job
and shift that you work but can see the other
inmates when they "rack you out" Mimi: No, you can't choose your cellmate. And they
would change every few days. Basically you stay
in the cell that they choose for you until you
are released. So it varied depending on the
release date for your cellmate. Saul: I was in a group cell of about 13 inmates. I did
not have a choice in who was in our cell. The
turnover was such that after two weeks there were
only a couple inmates that had been there for the
two weeks that I was there. Heather: Hell no you can choose your own cell mate.
sometimes you get a new one every other day. if
you are lucky like how i was you get one that u
like and you two end up doing the duration of your
time together, Ricky: RJC does not allow cell mate choice as far as I
am aware of. I was in a double cell by myself as
was everyone in that block for most of my stay.
However, the last 3 months were double celled. (2
inmates per cell) Sterling: I had some input about the floor and me and
another guy clicked so we chose the same floor. I
have trouble sleeping in jail so I also requested
to work in the kitchen so they moved me to a floor
with the workers. Doug: I never got to choose my cellmates, and my cellmates
changed all the time. I was in a room with 20 other
bunks and they randomly choose where everyone went,l George: My cellmates would change often, and i was not
given a choice who was my cell mate. Sometimes
there would be cellmates that i would have that
would try to intimidate me.