Interview with Eric, Bonnie, Jerome, Big Kim and Josh
JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail? Eric: Tell the to stop breaking the law! Wait I didn't
beak the law and was taken to jail anyway. Here
is my advice,before you hire anybody to enforce
the laws we as voters make. Make sure that you
give them a full mental and physical evaluation.
If they have ever done drugs they cannot be
hired,if they are former military with a jumpy
trigger finger they cannot be hired. Anybody with
any thing in their past that would suggest that
they could take advantage of the position should
not be hired.All law enforcement should have to
attend monthly Human Relations classes to learn
empathy for the HUMANS they are looking
after.Just because 50% of the inmates in this
country are career criminals doesn't mean that
the other 50% are going to repeat there
mistakes.If you take away a mans/or womans hope
of recovery then you WILL produce repeat
criminals. I heard staff telling some of the
inmates things like "I don't know why your such
a hurry to get out you'll just be back in a
days".Now is that what you say to encourage
someone to try and be a better member of
society? I know that is just a small prtion of
the problem,but it's not a bad place to start. Bonnie: Remember to not let depression turn you mean. That
is self destructive. Jerome: SIT ON THEIR BUTT AND KEEP THEIR MOUTH SHUT Big Kim: Everything should resolve itself in the process if
one keeps their mouth shut and eyes open, follows
jail instituted rules, and don't trust anyone
inmates or staff.... Josh: learn from your mistake and dont go back
JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them? Eric: Quit breaking the law! Go to school there are
hundreds of resources out there you just got to
be willing. I know it can be done I'm going to
college with 2 convicted felons and their both
going to graduate with Associates Degrees in
Welding Technologies and they did it all on
Federal Aid and State Grants. Bonnie: Don't go there and if you do play the game their
way so you get out as soon as you can. Jerome: DONT DO THE CRIME Big Kim: do your time as best you can, bite your tongue as
much as possible and if or when pushed into a
corner fight your way out, even if you get a black
eye or split lip you'll hold respect of other
inmates if you trade blows, if you snivel and cry
like a "b****" you'll forever be treated as one by
most who witnessed this.. Josh: DONT GO BACK!!!