Interview with Eric, Bonnie, Jerome, Big Kim and Josh
JM: How many different blocks were there? Eric: I think they have 6-8. Bonnie: 10 Jerome: ONLY SAW THE BLOCK I WAS IN Big Kim: 3 Josh: i think there are 4 presentencing (upstairs) 4
downstairs and 2 solatary
JM: Did they have names? If so, what were they? Eric: They are named based on letters.Like A
block,ect,ect. You could assume that each block
houses different inmates based on crime commited. Bonnie: Not that I remember. I was only in one all the
time I was there. Jerome: DONT REMEMBER Big Kim: A, B and C plus the Hole.... Josh: upstairs, downstairs and the hole
JM: Which types of inmates were housed in the different blocks? Eric: Don't know they didn't give me a tour. Bonnie: Men separated from women usually. Jerome: GENERAL,HIGH SECURITY Big Kim: Females had their own "tank" I remember being in C
You can find yourself housed with any type, from a
animal abuser to a murder...bad check writer to a their to a crankster... Josh: men were in all of the above females had their
own tank downstairs and could go to the hole
JM: What do you remember being the nicest and worst parts about the different blocks? Eric: The block I was in I'm guessing was one of the
nice ones and it was horrible.There is a
constant cold that seeps into your body and no
matter what you do it wont go away.The walls are
like touching ice-cubes.When you lay down on
your cot you can feel the cold comming thru the
window next to or above your cot.There was
nothing nice about it! Bonnie: The nicest is us women were a very long ways from
the noisy men. The worst was no privacy to pee
or do anything else. Jerome: FOOD WAS GOOD , BEDS WERE BAD Big Kim: they all suck, to much time on hands and really
noisy and disrespectful.. Josh: nice downstairs is more like a dorm with only
the main door
bad dont know about it being cold, but you could
hear everyone snore and/or talk in their sleep