JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Eric: No when I was arrested and admitted I told them
that I wore contacts and needed solution and a
case for them I was told basically to damn bad I
shouldn't have gotten arrested I had to sit
there for 4 days with contacts in my eyes and no
way of wetting them. When I mentioned it to
staff I was told to take them out and throw them
away,when I told staff that I couldn't see
without them I was then told "Oh Well" deal with
it. Big Kim: You have limited access to medications, you can
see the jailhouse Doctor and remind they of any meds
you are prescribed on the outside,
It is highly important that you state this at the
booking desk upon arrival at the jail initially..
Give both your Doctors name and phone number if
possible.. Josh: i didnt take any meds
JM: How did you get your medications? Eric: Was not permitted access to it! Big Kim: They bring around a cart with the meds several
times a day, don't try to distract the guard to
steal from the cart, there's nothing there worth
it meaning narcotics...forget it.. Josh: see above
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Eric: They had drugs!! Wait how did YOU know they had
drugs????? Big Kim: If you manage to smuggle in controlled substances,
you are subject to additional charges if caught...
Also remember each tank is likely to contain a
jailhouse informant who will rat you out at first
chance to lessen their own sentence or circumstance.. Josh: i dont know