Interview with Eric, Bonnie, Jerome, Big Kim and Josh
JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Eric: It was tedious at best. Bonnie: They asked me what I plead and I said guilty with
circumstances and they went from there. After the
presentation of the case I was told to come back
and they would sentence me. Jerome: FAIR, TREATMENT OK, TIMELY COURT DATES Big Kim: Ok now, I have been "retired" from that lifestyle
for several years.. Josh: spent most of the time in one of the up stairs
tanks. the rest of the time, in a small lawer
room or in court.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Eric: Yes and they were few being asked ,mostly
accusations that the officer could not prove.
And when told I was being arrested for DUI, I
explained to the officer that I had not had a
drink in atleast 2-3 hours,he then accused me of
beating my wife. Where he procceded to man
handle me nearly throwing me off my front porch
which is on the second story.My home was
surrounded by 8-9 other officers that just stood
there.I was then taken to jail accused of DV
Assault in the 4th Degree. Bonnie: Not at all. Jerome: NO Big Kim: No, was incarcerated upon arrest directly from
streets and stops in automobile, truck and
motorcycle.. Josh: nope, never once
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Eric: The judge appeared to be sympathetic to my case
and had me released after informing me that
there would be a 30 day resraining order
prohibiting me from having any contact with my
wife. Bonnie: I was told to rise and the prosecutor stated what
the facts against me were and my attorney stated
our facts and defenses. Jerome: SERVICE WAS FAST, HEALD OVER TO DIFFERENT DATE
AFTER ASKING TO DO SO. Big Kim: To the point, with the exception of one case
speedily as the law dictates..
If one cannot afford an Attorney, one ("paper
shuffler") will be appointed for you..
Very few public defenders go beyond providing the
bare essentials required by the Court, keep this
in mind, as they will plea bargain you out to a
lesser charge...
they are very impersonal, you are a number to them
and the faster they can rid themselves of you, the
faster they can lessen their case load which is
There are a couple of exceptions to this, I have
personally found 3 Attorneys working as PD's who
could be compared with any of the top Criminal
Attorneys in the US, but this is a rarity, expect
the worst Josh: in the jail uniform... with pretty silver