Interview with Carrie, Michael, Roy, Tiff, Lela and Manuel
JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Carrie: We were given some white tube socks, flip flop
sandals, humongous underware, t shirt, blue
pants, and a blue shirt to go over the tshirt. Michael: orange pants and white shirt Roy: You cant bring in anything. Tiff: None. This was not allowed. they provided u with
things they wanted u to wear Lela: You can't bring in any of your own clothes with you
after booking. They provide panties, socks, and a
bra if you're lucky. Manuel: Ones you're incarcerated you had to wear state
issue uniforms.and no shoes you had to wear
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Carrie: We all wore the same thing Michael: yes orange pants and orange or white shirt Roy: Oragne scrub like shirt and pant. Tube socks and
flip flops. Tiff: we wore a navy blue set of scrubs, some green
tube socks and green underwear , no bra. these
items were all previously used before Lela: Women wear navy blue 'smocks' and elastic waist
pants. Underneath the smock you must wear the gray
men's t-shirt they give you. Light green panties
and socks. You must always wear your socks with
your black and white shower shoes. Manuel: The shirts where grey.the pants where orange .the
under wears and the socks where green. And if you
where house in the milwaukee county jail you had
to wear and orange shirt over the grey tshirt.
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Carrie: no Michael: no they were all the same different sizes Roy: No, just don't get clothes that have sh* stains
on them. Tiff: I mean if you were a large girl then they had to
find some thing that fit. other than that it was
sm, m, l xl, 1x, 2x and so forth Lela: They don't have any 'small' sized smocks, pants,
or undershirts. So a medium on me was too big but
just have to deal with it. As for the gray shirts,
Large is the smallest that I saw there so I
atleast made sure I got that. The shower shoes
were way too big on me but they give you the same
ones the men get too. The underwear have different
sizes going up from 5. So you could try to get the
size you need if they have them. Make sure you
tell them the size you want for the whole time you
are there because it is very difficult to get it
switched in the long run. You only get one 'roll'
of clothes and towels a week. Manuel: The only thing that inmates wanted to wear where
uniforms that look new.
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Carrie: yes, one wore blue, the other wore orange Michael: Dont know the people were separated Roy: Not sure. Tiff: No. they uniforms were just a different color Lela: Yes, women wore navy and men wore orange smocks and
pants. Manuel: Yes the men wore orange and grey and the women
wore dark blue uniforms.