Interview with Carrie, Michael, Roy, Tiff, Lela and Manuel
JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Carrie: I had to sit in the booking department for hours
upon hours, waiting to be booked. This is where
they take your picture, fingerprints, and ask
you a bunch of questions about your self, as far
as health, allergies, family history, emergency
contacts,and if you are taking any drugs, or
prescribed medications. They search you, make
you change into their clothes, and they take all
of your belongings, such as clothing,
jewelry..anything you came in with that is not
permanently attatched to you. Then they have you
sit in a big room, men on one side, women on the
other, you are not allowed to talk to anyone,
get up and walk around, unless you have to use
the bathroom, and the only thing you eat is
hard, cold bread with salami and a spoonful of
butter. Michael: i had the charge released and got probation
sentence but violated it and had to go in Roy: Sat on a big wooden bench for a very long time.
Hours and hours of sitting on a hard ass bench. Tiff: The process took four days for me to get into
intake court. where I was then given a lowered
bail because of my attitude. NO PR BOND. they
made us it in this very small room while the guys
were all in the open waiting. No one responded
when u wanted to ask a question. Lela: I have had a complicated journey with these cases
and me being in and out of jail. I had caught a
possession of narcotics felony in the beginning of
2013 in a suburb of Milwaukee - Cudahy, WI, so
they didn't take me to the County Jail right away
on that one. They didn't give me an actual ticket
but told me they would be in touch. Over a month
went by and I still hadn't heard anything from the
detective until I caught a 'false swearing'
municipal ticket in Greenfield, WI in the middle
of February. That detective was a real asshole and
asked me what was happening with the Cudahy case
and why I didn't have a court date yet.. I said I
have no idea, I haven't heard anything. So of
course he calls the detective over there and that
very day the Cudahy detective called me. Told me I
had an appointment with the District Attorney.
Well that day came and went because I was still
bad in my heroin addiction so then I was just set
up with a date for out-of-custody in take court.
So basically what happened was they just read me
my rights and maximum penalties, they found
probable cause, I met my public defender, and they
assigned me a judge and a preliminary hearing
date. Also, I got a $500 signature bond which is
just a 'promise' if you will, to keep me out of
jail atleast until the next court date. The main
condition was no use or possession of illegal or
controlled substances without a valid
prescription. So the next week I came in and
waived the prelim hearing and pled not guilty.
Next court date was set for two weeks later. So
the 'State' offered me a Deferred Prosecution
Agreement (DPA). Basically meaning that I would
stay out of jail and avoid a felony if I were to
comply to the stipulations laid out. Mainly being
stay clean .. but also no contact with my
boyfriend at the time (because he's the one who
called the cops on me), obtain part time
employment or part time college, 20 hours
community service, don't catch another case, and
no fire arms. They were offering me a 6 month
agreement. So, basically like probation (have to
do urine tests at Justice Point monitoring agency
but without being 'sentenced' yet. So I had court
again a month and a week later and went and my
public defender (luckily!) had a medical emergency
and didnt make it. So the DPA hearing was
rescheduled for a month after that ... Manuel: At the presentencing process my lawyer told me
that he had a person that was going to interview that they could investigate my pass so I
had an interview with this person that lasted for
about two hours.and this person ask me from when
I was a child all the way to adult hood this
really helped me with my case.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Carrie: No, I was arrested off of a ice cream truck. My
friend and I were legitimatly out on July 3rd,
selling ice cream by the lake, the place where
they host the fireworks every year. As we were
driving, the police got behind us and turned on
their lights. My friend kept going, as she did
not think that they would pull over an ice cream
truck. Then, when they kept followng us, she
finally pulled over, and they ran up on us like
we were hard core criminals! We asked them what
the problem was, and they told us to get out of
the truck, they wanted to search it for drugs.
We asked where that came from, and they would
not answer the question. They wouldnt tell us
anything ecept that it was supossedly a drug
truck. We got out of the truck, as they searched
it . Of course, they found absolutly nothing.
They searched through the whole truck, freezer
and all. They took out all of the ice cream,
destroyed the truck and all of its orginization,
and then took me to jail, and still don't know
why. They also tried to take the truck and say
that the registration was no good, but that was
a lie. Michael: yes they stoped multiple times and arrested me
there and took me in Roy: Suspected of driving while under the influence. Tiff: I became arrested when me and my boyfriend was
fighting and I was winning by the time they got
there. they did not question me just him and
that's how I caught my first case at 24.He said
that I jumped on him which was not true so they
arrested me. Lela: I didn't actually get booked by Milwaukee County
Jail until two weeks after my previous court date.
I was on the North side with my boyfriend and his
friend, picking up in my car and we had pulled
over to do it. Well we unknowingly were only a few
blocks away from the district cop shop and sure
enough they came driving by almost as soon as we
stopped. So they see us white kids over in that
neighborhood sitting in a parked car on a secluded
street and naturally turn around to come talk to
us. My boyfriend who was behind the wheel starts
the car and takes off, runs a stop sign and goes
the wrong way down a one way before getting
trapped in by several cop cars. So they search the
car and us and I didn't personally have anything
on me because they had both bought the dope. So
long story short, there was plenty paraphernalia
in my car and they didn't want to just get me with
a misdemeanor so they stuck me with "Maintaining a
drug trafficking place" - a felony. So, they took
me to the district station and was there for 8 to
10 hours with no food or water. - It was the first
'nice' day outside, being the end of April and
they were swamped with inmates, even tho it was a
Monday. But they were so full that they had to put
me in a cell by the men. We were all in individual
holding cells tho, but just the 'bar' style ones.
This didn't go too well as all the men were trying
to talk to me and showing me their junk and
everything and trying to get me to flash them. My
boyfriend at the time was in a cell on the
opposite end of where I was but he could hear what
was going on and it caused problems to where the
guards had to come and yell at the men a few
times. Eventually they took me over to the county
jail where the very long booking process began... Manuel: On the morning of 3/9/11 at around 6am I heard
door be broke down cause they had a search
to search the apartment I was living at they tore
up the apartment and found the drugs they must be
about 20 officers searching the apartment and
they bring a drug sniffing dog.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Carrie: Court was pretty much weird and scary. I had to
sit and listen to all these people tell me all
of these things that they said that I did, yet,
I didn't do. Everyone was looking at me like I
was a hard core criminal, yet I wasnt. You could
see peoples opinions on their faces. Noone
wanted to believe me, it was like police say it,
that means its true. I sat and wondered what
these people were thinking about mw and all of
the things that was being said. I was cncerned
and afrais to go to jail, that was not where I
wanted to be. Whwn the judge made his ruling,
which ended up being 90 days, I felt like crap
cause I did nothing to deserve this. Michael: long boring always getting new court dates Roy: No court. Tiff: Court was a long process to get in. And when I
went before the commissioner the public defender
did not even say what we jus talked about he went
off the police report which was wrong.There was
an alleged threat that I had never said. but was
accounted for in court. Lela: Well when they took me in they were just about to
do a 'mass movement' from the county jail to the
house of corrections and vice versa - like 1200
inmates - for political reasons. ($$$) So when
they finally brought me up to the cell block the
officers downstairs obviously didn't know they
were doing a 'shake down' of that specific dorm
and all the cells, with the dogs and everything.
So I had to wait in this little 'professional
visiting room' with a few other girls. This lasted
a couple hours and we all were sleeping on the
floor because after booking taking forever we were
all exhausted and I was already sick withdrawing
because I didn't even get to do the dope we got
before I got arrested. Anyways, I didn't get to go
to in-custody felony intake court until my 6th day
there, (technically on the 7th day after being
arrested, but booking takes so long, I wasn't 'in'
that jail until Tuesday) I assume because of all
the craziness with the inmate movement... and I
hear that it usually only takes about 3 days tho.
So they brought me into a holding cell for a while
and then had me talk to someone about my case to
help me understand what my charge was and then to
my temporary public defender because it was a
Sunday and she wasn't working. So I went in front
of the commissioner, I think it was, and it was
the same thing - just reviewing my case and my
rights and possible penalties and they had me sign
another $500 signature bond with Turn Over To
(TOT) Justice Point. Meaning that the people at JP
(a court monitoring agency - they drug test you)
had to come "get me" in order for me to be
released. So I had to wait until the next day,
Monday. And I was rescheduled for about a week or
two after that. Manuel: Court was a killer not knowing if I was going to
go to prison the case kept being continued three
diffrent dates the da kept looking for more
evidence to put me in prison but my lawyer kept
talking to the judge and the da until finally
they came up with probation when the judge said
probation I felt a sigh of relieve
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Carrie: Original charges were posession with intent to
sell, I ended up being charged with obstructive
and resisting arrest. Michael: Felony Burglary reduced to recieving stolen
property a misdemenor Roy: DUI Tiff: My original charge was battery which eventually
was amended to a disorderly conduct Lela: I got out and immediately got a paid attorney. I
thought since I was facing two felonies now I
would really need a 'real' lawyer. I think in my
situation it was a waste of money because I only
got to 'keep' them for two months because I found
myself in court so much and didn't want to pay
them any longer. They knew I wasn't going to be
able to get clean 'on my own' and tried to talk me
into presenting a deal to the DA where I would sit
for 60 days and then walk away no probation or
anything. But, I obviously would be stuck with
atleast one felony still and am not a felon yet
and have 3 years at the University here and
definitely want to go back so I did not want to
take that deal. - And am very happy that I didn't
in the long run. So I ended up getting my two
cases combined and they were still offering me the
DPA, but extended it to 9 months because I was
still dropping dirty before I even signed it. In
the long run I haven't even been 'convicted' of
anything yet but I got the Maintaining a drug
trafficking 'dismissed but read in' and I plead
guilty to possession but the deal they gave me
says that if I complete the agreement, they will
reduce that to a paraphernalia misdemeanor and
thats what I will end up with. Manuel: Manufacturing with intent to deliver