Interview with Carrie, Michael, Roy, Tiff, Lela and Manuel
JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Carrie: yes Michael: no Roy: Don't take any. Tiff: no. I did not require any Lela: Technically, yes. You could fill out a 'pink and
white' slip and they would charge your account $20
to see the doctor for medical issues. You could
see the Psych doctor for free. Doesn't guarantee
you'll get in any time soon. Once you are
'prescribed' your meds, the nurse comes in 4 times
a days to give them out. Morning, Noon-ish, before
dinner, and before bed. Manuel: Yes there was access to medicatication depends on
you're condition.
JM: How did you get your medications? Carrie: I didnt take any Michael: didnt Roy: N/A Tiff: This question does not apply to me since I had
never received any medications while being housed
in this jail facility Lela: When I got booked in you have to see the nurse.
They take vitals and make you do a urine sample -
just a pregnancy test I believe. I told them I
would be withdrawing, so they were able to
automatically put me on ibuprofen and Tums. They
ask what kind of medications I'm on so I told them
an inhaler for my asthma and Buspar for my anxiety
disorder. They informed me that I would have to
see the doctor to get those. I did see the doctor
and was put on both. Manuel: You get you're medications thru the nurse that
came around with the cart I believe they came
around three times a day.
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Carrie: I dont know Michael: DNA Roy: Not sure. Tiff: that's when they bring the dogs out and
everything is locked down. they search your room
and your body to find if any what they looking
for. im quite sure the hole and an additional
charge is the punishment Lela: I did not witness myself any punishment for abusing
drugs in there but I heard you'll definitely get
sent to the hole. (segregation) Manuel: When I was jailed I never witnessed anybody abuse
medications. But I was taking trasadone for sleep
and some inmates wanted me to share my trasadone
with them but I always refuse to so .and no I
never witness anyone getting punish for that.