Interview with Collin, Robbie, Michelle and Lorrie
JM: Did you get off early based on good behavior? Collin: I had to do ten days but I only did eight so I
guess that counts as getting off for good behavior. Robbie: no i did not and neither did anybody else that i
know of. Michelle: No, I never had that option. But, yes only if you
are in there on city charges can you be eligible
road crew which is going out and cleaning up trash
of the side of roads. You could earn 1 day off of
each week you are in there. Lorrie: no i had to wait until i got a chance to go back to
JM: What is the most time off you can receive for good behavior? Collin: I think the policy for good behavior is basically
one day off for every four you serve. Robbie: I have never heard of anybody getting time off
for good behavior so i wouldnt know. Michelle: You can only receive one day for every week or 7
days. Lorrie: 1 day for every week when your in the honor dorm
JM: What types of actions do you need to avoid in order to get time off? Did you ever witness somebody losing time off for good behavior? Collin: Some guys were acting like monkeys and doing
stupid stuff. They would go apeshit any time the
guards came around and that would get them into
trouble. Just act like you got sense and you'll be
fine. Robbie: I have witnessed people getting more tiime for
charges they aquired while in jail. But like i
said i've never heard of getting time off for
good behavior. Michelle: You have to stay out of trouble and not have any
write ups to be on road crew. But, while I was in
prison yes I saw someone get time taken from their
release date for getting a sex offense. Lorrie: no fighting or being defiant stealing I saw a few
females get to fighting and lost their time off and
was locked up on the wall for 2 hours were the only
thing you could do was just stand there