Interview with Collin, Robbie, Michelle and Lorrie
JM: Did you always have access to necessary medications? Collin: They tested me for my blood sugar which was great
and I don't even do that. Then they brought me my
prescriptions twice a day. Robbie: they brought medication to the people that
needed twice a day. Michelle: Yes they would give you any medications you were on
when you arrive as long as they have medical
records. If not you have to wait on a list to be
seen for whatever you want. Lorrie: no you only got it at bedtime
JM: How did you get your medications? Collin: They would bring the pills to us and nurses were
cute so the young guys in there went ape shit
anytime they came around. To check my blood sugar
they would shackle me and walk me down to the
medical office which was silly because I'm not a
threat to anybody. Robbie: the nurse would come to each cell block and they
would call your name and you would have to come
to the front show id and they would give it to
you. Michelle: The nurse comes around to each unit and you have to
get in a line and wait for your medications. If you
need tylenol or anything you have to put in a sick
call form. Lorrie: the nurse came around at bedtime and all the folks
that took meds and were on her sheet she passed out
your medicine
JM: What types of punishments were incurred for abuse of drugs? Did you ever witness this? Collin: If you got caught messing around with that stuff
they would add onto your time. Robbie: I have no idea but i would expect them to take
the person out of the cellblock so they could
not interact with other inmates involved. Michelle: You got a write up which included taking away your
commisary or phone privileges and could result in
being placed in lock up by yourself for up to 30
days at a time. Lorrie: you were sent to medical lookup and it was cold and
dark down there and they paid you no attention