Interview with Collin, Robbie, Michelle and Lorrie
JM: Did you have regular access to telephones? Collin: They had one phone that worked some of the time.
Usually there was a line ten deep to get on the thing. Robbie: there were telephones in the cell block but it
was hard to use one cause everyone else was
constantly on them. Michelle: Yes, we could use the phones from 8 am until 10 pm
everyday. Lorrie: yes but they didnt work most of the time
JM: What types of charges applied for calling people? How much money would you guess the average inmate spends per week on phone calls? Collin: I think it was 9 bucks. It was ridiculous. It was
hard to make a call to somebody on a cell phone
which was the case with my wife so it was a pain
in the butt to do that.
Robbie: it was collect calls only unless you had a
calling card that someone on the outside sent
you.. I guess they spent at least 10 dollars per
call depending how long you talked. Michelle: As long as your call was local you can call for $3 a
call but if it is long distance then your call is
like $15. Lorrie: $30.00 it was almost $10 for each call you made so
it was really expensive
JM: Did you need to buy phone cards to call out? Collin: No, they didn't have anything like that in there. Robbie: You could if somebody sent you one on the
outside you didnt have to the option to buy one
from the inside Michelle: No, you were never allowed to buy phone cards. They
said they were going to start it but never was. Lorrie: no but your family had to have them in order for you
to call them
JM: Did the jail screen your calls? Collin: They said they did but I don't think they listened
in much. Robbie: yes the were always recorded. Michelle: It says on the recording that the call was subject
to recording but I never knew of any being recorded. Lorrie: YES if it sounded like you were making a 3way call
it would end the call