JM: Did you find it difficult to get along with other inmates? Please give examples to explain why you did or didn't. Jerry: they made me a torpedo which is a jail term name
that they used for someone who would go hit who
ever your head (boss) told you too and if you
didn't they would hit you luckily i didn't have to
because we got put in lock down but i almost got
into it with an older guy then me because he
didn't like what i was doing which wasn't
bothering no one else but him Pat: Yes it was very diffuclt because you had all
different races and cultures. They just pin point
people they dont like and they try and pull you in
theri click
JM: What types of things did you have to do to avoid problems or fights with other inmates? Jerry: i got along with the head (boss) of my race so he
would have my back that's how i would avoid fights
and problems so i wouldn't go to the hole but
before you would even want to fight you would have
to talk to the head that way they can know the
situation and handle what needs to be done Pat: I just kept too my self- smile alot and dont get
in others business
I feel too be positive and dont get in
conversations about the negative. Also dont try
and smoke or get drugs while your in their you
will get caught and its not worth it. Do alot of
spiritual reading
JM: Were you able to choose an inmate as your cellmate if you knew one? How often would your cellmate(s) change? Jerry: no you dont get to choose your cellmate the only
way is if you write a request to be moved
somewhere else or if you where cool with the
detention officer and people would change left and
write especially the ones that owed money or the
ones that knew they would get jumped Pat: No- you dont pick who you want its what they give
you and you better try and get along with them and
dont tell them too much of your business