JM: How many meals did you get per day? Jerry: you would only get 2 meals Pat: 2 meals per day allowed
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Jerry: disgusting food in the evening look like pig food
but you had to eat it forcefully or else you would
starve and i feed my dogs better food then that it
looked like someone took a dump in your food alot
of people wouldn't eat because it would give your
stomach a lot of gas and when you farted it would
stink horrible Pat: it was edible- i have had whole lot better outside
of jail. I heard other prisons have it worse and
its slop they call it
sometimes the food was cold or didnt have enough
flavor and u learn too use alot of tbasco packets
which they charge you for. so wrong
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Jerry: favorite meal was in the morning you would get
bread and ham some milk and cookies and beans and
rice was the best and least favorite was the
nasty slough food Pat: top ramen least- my mom use send care packages
through the jail..
you had certain things you order from
favorite gatorade/cupcakes
pancakes and eggs
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Jerry: cookies where offered with meals and commissary
was the best thing they offered it was expensive
but was worth it you can make meals with the junk
they offered you that was the best jail junk food
there was Pat: no-
it had all your supplies and candy cupcakes juices
2.00 a candy bar
donuts were 3.00 lil pack
soap towels- you can order tv for your cell very
tirtillas were real popular because you can make
pizza off of them