JM: What else would you want a friend or family member to know if they have a loved one going to this jail? Lance: I would tell them, make sure you have money on
your phone, and visiting day is Thursday. is how you put minutes on
your phone. Ana: It is critically important to get the prepaid
phone service of whom you want to call set up as
soon as possible. There is a certain company
that you have to use and the jail has that
information. Aside from that if you have money
on your books, that will make the difference
between the inmate being comfortable, having
shampoo, soap, deoderant, snacks when they are
hungry, etc. But remember that there is a daily
charge that is deducted from the inmates
books/account for jail meals. There may also be
a charge for certain medications, so if you can
bring the inmates medication to the jail, that
will save some time and money. Jack: If someone you know is going into this jail I
would be glad to say that there are far worse
jails they could be in. Other than that jail is
still jail.
JM: If somebody knows they will be serving time in this jail what is your advice to them? Lance: Basically, just don't cause trouble. Don't
cause trouble with the guards either. They
don't mess around. Always wear your full
uniform in the dayroom because they will turn
off the TV and that makes people upset. Ana: It is critically important to get the prepaid
phone service of whom you want to call set up as
soon as possible. There is a certain company
that you have to use and the jail has that
information. Aside from that if you have money
on your books, that will make the difference
between the inmate being comfortable, having
shampoo, soap, deoderant, snacks when they are
hungry, etc. But remember that there is a daily
charge that is deducted from the inmates
books/account for jail meals. There may also be
a charge for certain medications, so if you can
bring the inmates medication to the jail, that
will save some time and money. Jack: My advice to them would be to mind your own
business and be great full its not Maricopa
county. The prisoners in Yavapai are usually there
on petty charges or mistakes made by law
enforcement and that as long as you don't cheat
lie or steal you should get along fine. Ohh yeah,
and don't taddle tell.
JM: Please list any other jail or rehab facilities you have been to. Lance: Former Yavapai County Jail in Prescott
Clay County in Iowa
Pickinson County in Iowa
Emmett County in Iowa Ana: I've also been to New Arizona Families in
Phoenix and West Yavapai Guidance Clinic
(Hillside) in Prescott, AZ. Jack: Florence West Prison