JM: Tell us about the pre-sentencing process: Lance: I had an argument with my sister and the cops
came. They said I was threatening them and they
took me to jail. Ana: There is an arraignment where you are told of
your charges. You can make a plea at this time
if you desire. If not, there will be a
preliminary hearing following that where you can
plead guilty or innocent and/or you may be
offered a deal. I recommend pleading innocent
for two to four hearings, because generally the
plea bargain that the prosecution offers you
will get better and better the longer you hold
out. Jack: I was out on bond and spoke with multiple lawyers
about my charge. I showed up at my first court
appearance to find a representative of the public
defenders office waiting for me to brief me on my
case. I then was scheduled for another court
hearing in which i spoke to the court about my
case. Then i was offered a plea agreement and a
notice of two weeks to sign it. Upon signing the
plea i was processed and was placed into jail.
JM: Did you have police stop by your house for questioning? If not please give us details on how you came to be arrested. Lance: They came to my house and arrested me. They
were very aggressive with me. They opened the
door and they were yelling. One pulled his gun
out. Ana: In the most recent incident I was on probation
and my p.o. had me come in to her office at the
prescott jail. She had filed a petition to
revoke and she had me arrested there. Prior to
that, my charge was DWI and I was taken from the
vehicle I was driving to provide a urinalysis. I
was then let go and later charged and when I
went to court I ended up pleading guilty and was
taken into custody from court. Jack: I had police come by my house to indict me on
several other charges after my initial arrest. I
pulled into work and found the convenience store i
was working for was being raided by the local task
force, An officer who had previously given me a
dui was running security at the convenience store
and supposed i was under the influence.
JM: What was court like? Please give as many details as you recall. Lance: My attorney Matthew Cochrane was court
appointed. He told me they were going to drop
this, give me some court time, and probation.
He said after probation the felony would go
away. My sister went in and told the judge I
was a horrible person, and the judge agreed with
her. The judge said I needed to spend a alot of
time in jail and she would have given me more
time if she could have. Ana: Very inefficient. You are shackled and cuffed
and led in w/ many. You are assigned a public
defender and eventually they call you to the
microphone, advise you of charges and ask for
your plea. Then you are reset for another date
usually far off in the future. Then you sit
there for several more hours until the five to
twenty-five inmates that you are transported
with are done. Jack: Court was stressful. Filled with people who jobs
consisted of either working against you or people
trying to get you the best deal, in which there is
no good deal. I felt like my life was at stake and
everyone else was just playing a game that i had
been brought into. This guy helps that guy. That
man knows this man better, so we got a chance t a
good deal. etc etc. One big Zoo.
JM: What were your original charges? What did you end up being convicted of? Lance: Original charges were two counts of threatening
and intimindating, attempted aggravated assault,
and resisting arrest
I was convicted of all but resisting arrest. Ana: Promoting prison contraband. The same. Jack: Aggrevated DUI. Improper use of ebt food stamps.