JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Lance: Socks, sandals, boxers, pants, t-shirt and a
shirt. During the winter we had thermal
undershirts. Ana: None. They will not allow you to have any item
of clothing that they do not issue either in
jail or prison. Jack: You could not have any outside clothes brought
into the jail. Everything was issued by the county.
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Lance: All the uniforms were orange. Ana: In jail and in prison you are issued white
underwear and sportsbra. White socks. A white
undershirt. Orange pants and shirt both made of
a stiff cotton blend. Jack: I was dressed in an orange, two piece nurse like
suit. I received one undershirt, a pair of boxers
and a pair of socks and sandals.
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Lance: Sometimes people would keep extra boxers, like
not trade them in and get another pair when I
first got there. Then they started monitoring
to make sure we turned them in. You are only
supposed to have one of anything except socks. Ana: White underwear without stains in the crotch and
socks without holes. Also for some reason, most
of the inmates sought out bright orange crisp
clean new looking pants and shirt. Inmates also
tended to like the bigger sizes, most likely
because they were more comfortable. Jack: No, everything was previously used or worn and you
could not get any extras.
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Lance: Yes, they do wear the same thing. I saw them
when I went to court. Ana: No. Well in jail the men are issued different
(boxer) underwear. Jack: The difference between the clothing was that women
got a bra but i only know that from the handbook.