JM: How many meals did you get per day? Lance: Three. Ana: In jail there were three meals a day when I was
there. They may have cut this back to two a day
now. In prison there are three meals a day
except on weekends and holidays when there are
two per day. In both locations however you can
purchase food items from the commissary/store if
you have money on your books. Jack: I received three meals a day.
JM: How would you rate the food? Please give details of why. Lance: (laughs) Most days it was pretty good. Most
things I just don't like, like hard boiled
eggs, I would trade other inmates. Ana: The food in this jail is good. It actually
tastes good and is identifiable and edible.
Nothing that did not tast good. The inmates cook
most of the food, both in jail and in prison. In
prison the worst meal is an "italian sausage"
that was not an italian sausage but a spicey
yucky polish hotdog looking thing that tasted
like crap. The portions in prison are pretty
small as well, but overall the food is pretty
good. They do not serve real beef or any pork in
prison. They serve a huge amount (majority) of
chicken particle products, nuggets, pressed
patties, etc. Jack: I would rate the food as decent. I have heard
terrible stories about food in other jails so i
cannot really complain seeing as how i was given a
serving of vegetables meat and a dessert for
dinner. Eggs, bread and oranges for breakfast. And
a sandwich and applesauce for lunch.
JM: Did you have any favorite/least favorite meals? Lance: Hard boiled eggs are served three times per
week. Every third Monday was build your own
taco and burrito night. They give you all the
fixins on your tray including hot sauce. There
were some nights with spagetti. Lunch was
usually a cold sandwich or a hot dog or a
hamburger. Eventually I stopped eating the
lunchmeat too. They served dessert with every
dinner. Sunday night was cake, Tues night was a
brownie, there was jello and cookies and
pudding on the other nights. Ana: All of the jail food was good. In prison the
worst meal is an "italian sausage" that was not
an italian sausage but a spicey yucky polish
hotdog looking thing that tasted like crap. The
portions in prison are pretty small as well, but
overall the food is pretty good. They do not
serve real beef or any pork in prison. They
serve a huge amount (majority) of chicken
particle products, nuggets, pressed patties, etc. Jack: My favorite meal was a peanut butter and jelly
sandwich for breakfast in the mornings. This was
my favorite because it was the closest thing to
real food. My least favorite was bologna and
cheese on a sandwich.
JM: Were there any other snacks offered outside of meals? What was commissary like and how expensive was it? Lance: No snacks unless you had money to buy from
commissary. Ana: No snacks offered in jail or in prison.
Commissary is relatively cheap with a lot of
choices, but you must have money on your books.
In jail you are charged a daily surcharge on
your books for meals, so you can easily get
indebted. This really messes up your commissary. Jack: The only other items besides food were available
through the commissary. Commissary was available
every Friday upon ordering it on Monday. The
commissary was expensive compared to other jails
and compared to the outside market.