JM: What clothes could you have brought in to wear in the jail (underwear, socks, etc.)? Jeffery: No personal clothing was allowed in. Underwear and socks were
issued with the rest of your "oranges". Prescription glasses were the
only exception. Serena: no clothes could be brought in, even underwear.
underwear was issued by the jail. socks were too. Gary: They give you EVERYTHING.
JM: If you had a set uniform, what did it look like? Please be specific about each piece of clothing issued to you. Jeffery: General pop. was issued your basic orange pajamas. plus socks and
undies. during winter they would issue thermals upon request.
worker pod wore blue while in the kitchen. Serena: the suit was orange and consisted of white
underwear, orange socks, a white sports bra, a white
tshirt, a bright orange shirt and orange pants. Gary: It was more like scrubs. Working in the kitchen,
we had white ones, not orange.
JM: Were there any assigned clothes in high demand that an inmate should look for when getting clothing assigned? Jeffery: The thermals were in high demand during winter and we were hard
pressed to give them up in the spring because they made pretty
good sleeping masks to keep out the ever-present florescent lights. Serena: no every inmate recieved exactly the same set of
clothes so there was no competition. Gary: No.
JM: Was the clothing different between men and women? Jeffery: The shape of the top garment seemed slightly altered. Of course
they issued women panties, or something similar to panties, and
brassieres. Serena: i did not see mens clothes. Gary: A little bit.